I know, it's only been a few weeks since we last mused about the state of Katy Perry's uterus, but this is all the kids are talking about these days. It's all about Katy Perry's womb and Miley Cyrus' boobs and Lindsay Lohan's cooch, and I can't do anything about that, ok?
But let's get down to business here: do you think this lady is pregnant or not? To be fair, I'm sure any woman (or, ok, almost any woman) would have at least a little tummy in that dress that Katy's wearing. And she's ...
As you all know, Kim Kardashian had a big fancy wedding and, as such, also had a big fancy registry. For instance, you could buy the happy couple a set of plates for only $12,000! But you also know that Kim's marriage lasted just 72 days. So what happened to all those fancy gifts?
Surely she returned them, right? Her wedding guests received a package a couple months after the wedding that contained their diamond studded napkin rings with a note that said "LOL sorry about the sham of a wedding XOXOXOXOXO," surely. Or, if not, Kim donated the items to charity. It has to be one of thos...
In Playboy, you guys. 50 Cent is really sad that he didn't get to see Lindsay Lohan's genitals in Playboy. He never really specified that last part, but since Lindsay's Playboy spread is pretty much the only place her vagina hasn't been, I'm going to go ahead and fill that in for him.
Here's 50 wondering about "Lindsay's cooch":
"I haven't seen it. But I always wondered what Lindsay's cooch looked like. Ever thought about it? I'll check it out and see what happens."
And here's 50 theorizing on whether or not Lindsay is a stripper now:
You guys know I just don't call someone out for a blind item unless I have a pretty good reason to believe I'm right. And this is one of those times:
She was brought in from outside the United States. She only speaks Spanish (or Portuguese?), and has a child who is approximately Kindergarten age. She is fairly attractive, looks like she is in her late twenties, and has thick, dark brown hair and medium-colored skin. You probably wouldn’t notice her if she was walking down the street. However, it doesn’t really matter what she looks like, as she is simply the Surrogate for a baby ...
Can you guys believe that it's only ten days until Christmas? Because I can't. I've only made cookies once this holiday season. I haven't gotten a topper for my Christmas tree yet, which is especially tragic because this will be my first time having a Christmas tree in like six years. I haven't even gotten anyone's Christmas presents yet, which wouldn't be such a big deal if this wasn't my little guinea pig's first Christmas. I feel like the worst, you guys. But nothing makes me feel a...
Thank goodness, right? Because there was a good chance that she wouldn't. If you'll remember, Lindsay missed her plane back to L.A. after she lost her expensive purse filled with money and important documents in Hawaii. She was supposed to be on Ellen to debut that Playboy cover that we've all already seen, but in an unsurprising display of unprofessionalism, she didn't make it. My money (but not my $10,000 in my $5,000 purse) was on Lindsay missing her court date today as well, but I was wr...
Yes, a spin-off with those two little ones, that'll do the trick! Oh, and one with the boy! And now that Khloe's Laker man, Lamar, got traded to the Dallas Mavericks, somebody with a camera should follow them on down to Texas! The Kardashian empire has just begun to take hold!
For real, this is all happening. See, there's a new boss over at E!, home of the Kardashians, and she isn't content with the three measly shows the family has now. No, she's aiming for "two, three, even four new Kardashian spin-offs" that focus on all the crazy a...
"Ultimately we are each responsible for ourselves and for our actions. Looking back, I probably would have listened to and taken more advice from the people whom I admire and would have followed through with it more. My stubbornness at 18 and 19 years old got in the way. During the past five years, I've learned that time flies faster than you think, and because you only live once you have to learn from your mistakes, live your dreams and be accountable."
- Lindsay Lohan tells Playboy all a...
You remember when Adele said that she's been talking to her ex, the guy she wrote all those songs about? And I said was worried about her? It's because I actually do worry about Adele, and I sincerely care about her happiness and her well-being. Is that weird? Well, then Julia Roberts and I are just a couple of wacky weirdos, I reckon.
She [Julia] said: "Anybody that's going to date her is a brave man. You're going to get a whole lot of love, but you'd better treat her right, or we're al...