You know, if someone could change the world, it would be Kanye, also notably known as Yeezy World Peace. I mean, he's done so much already, he's really right on the verge of making this world Kanye's world. And on this clear Thursday afternoon, I'm ok with that. I find peace in that.
But to catch you all up, let me show you what Kanye had to say on his Twitter yesterday. be warned: it's some pretty heavy reading.
What good is fame and prestige if you can't use it to help people... I want to ...
Please just tell me that. Because your very life could depend on it. I know, I know, Beyonce and Jay-Z aren't photographed together all that often (the photo that you see above is from two years ago), but trust me, they are married. They're even allegedly having or already had a baby together. Got it? Now remember it.
Because, not to freak you out or anything, because if you forget this vital little piece of celebrity gossip, you could end up stabbed. And shhh, nobody's trying to scar...
Right after Thanksgiving, we told you guys that there was a rumor floating around that if Jessica Biel threatened to leave Justin Timberlake, he would marry her. The deal was that Justin didn't really want to get married because he thought "marriage would hurt his career," but if push came to shove, he'd get shoved, I reckon. Then, right before Christmas, we let you guys in on the word on the street, which was that Justin proposed to Jessica at a ski resort in Wyoming. And today, just a few ...
My general stance on Amber Rose is "who?" Any time I come across a story about her or some photos, I typically just skip it and go on ahead to the next story. I know, this girl shows her vagina off like it's a new pair of shoes, and she's wacky enough to claim that Kanye West saved her life, but I don't know, I just can't. I just can't make myself get interested in this girl.
But you guys, this time, Amber Rose is talking some mad trash about Kim Kardashian, and, in case you haven't noticed, that's one of my favorite things to do right now! That's why I too...
Is it just me, or has Demi Moore seemed really sad lately? I mean, of course she's sad, she's going through a pretty public divorce and a cheating scandal, and she now has to face the fact that she married a douchebag, but it seems like there's something more than that going on, right?
In this interview done between Demi and her good friend, Amanda de Cadenet, just after Thanksgiving, Demi starts to talk about it, just a little. See, Demi and Amanda are producing this new show for Lifet...
Sad news today, friends. Real sad news. Because further casting of the Les Miserables movie was announced today and, well, things aren't looking so hot. What makes this even sadder was that I was seriously, genuinely excited about this movie. I love the musical with all my heart, and to see it immortalized in movie form was a dream come true. I was so thankful that the youth of today gets the privilege to experience one of the most loved musicals of all time this way, I truly was.
Sometimes, every once in a while, a story comes down the line that is almost too cute. I know, these days with all the talk of Beyonce's fake pregnancy, Lindsay's crackhead dealings, and Courtney Stodden's existence, it can be hard to believe that a celebrity can have one moment of pure, simple, lovable charm. But believe you me, it's possible. It's possible, and Clint Eastwood and his new pal, Lola, are living proof.
"But wait," you might ask. "Who is this Lola? I assume from that title th...
Actually, I might have made a mistake in that headline up there. See, I think that the relationship between Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill might not be so much a BFF thing as a bromance thing. It's a slight difference, I know, but I think it's an important one. And I think that these two have crossed that line and are now in the midst of a full-fledged, super adorable, "dude, have we hugged for too long?" bromance.
The relationship began, presumably, when Brad and Jonah teamed up to make Moneyball. Fro...
I never bother making New Year's resolutions. I'm always of the opinion that if there's something that needs to be done in my life, I'm just going to do it then, you know? Like if I need to change how I'm doing something or if I want to make some new friends or whatever, unless I come to that conclusion on December 31st, I'm going to go ahead and take care of business. I know a lot of people see the new year as a fresh start and all, and I won't begrudge you that, but these resolutions just ...
Man, Lindsay Lohan just can't catch a break, huh? Or, depending on how you look at it, she's caught every break possible, and quite a few that shouldn't have been. Either way, there's some brand new drama surrounding our girl Lindsay in the form of some guy knocking on her door:
Cops were called to Lindsay Lohan's Venice Beach pad earlier this evening -- after a strange, unidentified man came a-knockin' ... and Lindsay freaked the hell out.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, the man -- an...
Every now and then in the comments of a delightful little blind item, one of you will say "but what's the point? We don't even know who this is about!" And that's fair: it can be frustrating to read some little piece of gossip that's so intriguing but to not even know who you're reading about. But you guys, sometimes those blind items get revealed. Sometimes we find out the answer. And this is one of those times.
Let's get started by talking about a blind item that you've heard about here. Do you remember the one about a singer who turned into a ...
Ugh, I absolutely hate it when this happens. Some fresh new face comes along, gets a big break, says something really, really dumb, then convincingly backpedals, only to say some more dumb shit. And I fall for it almost every single time, I do, because I want to believe that people are good and that they're humble and grateful for everything they've been given.
But I was wrong, you guys. Rooney Mara actually is an insufferable girl who doesn't appreciate any job she's ever had. Check it out:
"You kind ...