Since the wee hours of this morning when I brought you the miraculous news that the child of Beyonce is finally among us, a lot has happened. Actually, not much has happened, but we know quite a bit more about things. Are you ready? Let's dive in.
First of all, remember when I couldn't say for sure if the little girl's name is Ivy Blue or Blue Ivy? I'm now pretty certain that the baby's name is Blue Ivy Carter. My certainty comes from a tweet by Gwyneth Paltrow:
Welcome to the world...
As you might be able to tell by the photo above (from TMZ, by the way), this celebrity that you're trying to guess lives without regrets. This celebrity may or may not have done a lot of things that most people would find somewhat reckless or dangerous or just plain stupid, but hey, we're living without regrets here, ok? So take your judgement someplace else while we get sweet tattoos on our hands.
It's going to be hard to give you any hints without completely giving away the celebrity ...
And goodness, what a ride it's been, huh? From the adorable announcement that Beyonce was with child to all the doubts that Beyonce was with child, you can't say that this pregnancy hasn't been interesting. But now it's all coming to an end, because yesterday, the child was born.
You guys, it's a girl!
Ivy Blue Carter came into this world by c-section on Saturday, and this girl's already getting shout-outs. Check out this tweet from Rihanna:
Welcome to the world princess Carter! Love Aunty Rih
So what I'm saying is, it's looking pretty official. And, oh my goodness, there is just s...
Me, I picked Courtney Stodden. Not only is she a true American, as you can see in the classy photo above, but we could trade makeup tips, she could show me where to get cool and stylish arm bands, and I could figure out the best, most tactful way to tell her that none of her shoes fit and it looks gross. Yes, Courtney Stodden would make a fine, fine neighbor.
But you know what? Apparently this real estate blog called Zillow does this survey every year in which they ask people which celebrity they would most like to have as a neighbor and which celeb...
I think about Paris Hilton sometimes. Is that weird? I don't know, it's just sometimes my mind wanders, like when I'm trying to fall asleep and Vincent Price's voice just isn't doing it for me (because, ok, I'm like an old lady who likes to put on the television "for some company," I don't usually enjoy absolute silence. For the past two months, The Last Man on Earth has been the go-to movie for bedtime. Well, The Last Man on Earth and Lucas. But ANYWAY). Sometimes I think about my plan...
You guys! I'm just kidding! I'm being silly! Because if you've been a longtime reader of Evil Beet, or a longtime reader of celebrity gossip in general, you know what an asshole that creepy ol' crazy-eyed Joe Francis is. And if you're neither of those things, let me just tell you that Joe Francis is the founder of Girls Gone Wild, he doesn't pay his taxes, and he physically attacks pregnant ladies. Are we all up to date?
Good, because, and in all seriousness this time, Joe Francis is s...
Justin, listen. Listen, sugar. You know I love you. You know that I care about your well-being more than my own. You know that I would do anything at all in my power to make you happy, and if there was something that wasn't in my power to do, I would research the necessary magic spells, Satanic rituals, and blackmailing techniques that would give me that power. I would do anything for you, Justin, and you know that because of all those letters as I sent you and also that one VHS tape wi...
I know, I LOLed too, but seriously, Chris Brown isn't allowed to talk anymore. That's what his manager, Tina Davis, had to say when Billboard asked her about her plans for helping Chris promote his new album:
Not have him do interviews but to concentrate on performing and recording. It was something we set a while back. We're not trying to be rude, selfish or disrespectful to anyone in any way. If people are going to judge anything, judge him for his talent. He signed up to sing and entertain. Not to talk about his personal life. We look at it as starting all over. Our grind, our choices are diff...
I know, I know. It's been a week since those reports came out that Beyonce had a little baby girl and named her Tiana May, but still no baby! The nerve of that child, right? But hey, maybe little Tiana heard that in this world, people get stabbed for not knowing that her parents are married and decided to chill in Beyonce's womb (or, you know, wherever) for just a little longer. Totally understandable, Ti Ti. I totally get it.
Anyway, we know that Beyonce's still pregnant (or whateve...
Do you remember when Julia Roberts said that thing about how Adele's music "is so personal that you get invested in her life" and how it was the truest thing that anyone has ever said? Because I do, and it is. I care so much about Adele, you don't even know. And that's why I'm so happy that she has a new boyfriend who she seems really happy with. Because nobody deserves it more than her, you guys. Nobody deserves it more than Adele.
The pictures are copyrighted, but you can check them...
Khloe Kardashian is my favorite Kardashian. It's not even a contest. It's not even fair how much more awesome Khloe is than the rest of the Kardashians. Kourtney has been starting to grow on me, it's true, but she still has that awful monotone and that sort of dead look in her eyes most of the time, and Kim, well ... why would anyone favor Kim? No, it's a known fact that Khloe is the best Kardashian.
As if we needed any further evidence (we didn't), now we're learning that Khloe is a frien...