You guys remember Elisabetta Canalis, right? She dated George Clooney for a while, she was on Dancing with the Stars, and then she creeped everybody out when she called her relationship with George "more of a father-daughter relationship." Other notable achievements include posing nude for PETA and posing nearly nude on the beach. Are we caught up?
Good. Because super hot Elisabetta Canalis went from hooking up with that fine man you see above to hooking up with this:
But how? Ho...
I know, right? Ugh. But before we get into things, can we take a real quick moment to discuss why women with bigger hips probably should reconsider wearing high waisted pants? Because it looks absurd. It's not cute, it's not fashionable, it's just silly. Has Kim always made these awful choices in clothing, or am I just starting to notice it now because I'm just now starting to actively dislike her?
Ok, now that we have that quick fashion chat out of the way, let me fill you guys in on...
You know what, I love my job. I really, truly do. I have a lot of fun, I get paid to do something that I love, I work with a couple of marvelous ladies. It's really a pretty sweet gig. My only complaint? By the time I got here, Tila Tequila's fifteen minutes were pretty much up. I am absolutely fascinated by this girl, but it's so rare these days that she does something interesting enough to tell you guys about.
But I think I found something this time, because Tila is converting to Judaism. And not for attention...
Of course you do, silly! You want to see every inch of that private suite where Beyonce's baby, Blue Ivy, came into this world. Or where we're supposed to believe she came into the world. Or whatever. Yes, you want to see all the flat screen televisions and the private kitchen ... yeah, it actually has those things.
From TMZ:
Lenox Hill Hospital constructed a suite for VIPs which looks like a Four Seasons penthouse ... and the room was christened Saturday when Beyonce gave birth.
TMZ h...
Oh, Madonna. I don't even know where to start with this lady, I truly don't. I started off with an interesting quote of hers about Lady Gaga, then I found some more interesting quotes about marriage, and then when I went to find a photo of her for whatever I decided to write about, I found these pictures from a premiere for W.E., that movie that Madonna directed and co-wrote. Yep, you're seeing it right - that photo up there is of Madonna adjusting her cape with her hand. Her hand that is wearing a finge...
I know, I know, the People's Choice Awards were just the night before! But settle down, kids, because the Critics' Choice Awards actually kind of matter, and besides, it's awards season, so buck up. The Golden Globes are this Sunday, you know. It's time to get serious.
And you guys, things did get serious last night. Seriously gorgeous. Both my girls, Emma Stone and Evan Rachel Wood, were there, and they both killed it. Take a look above to see Emma looking dazzling, and below to see Ev...
"But Emily," you might ask, "Why? Why should I love Margaret Cho? Bristol Palin doesn't love Margaret Cho. There aren't even any other stories on Evil Beet about her besides that one where Bristol Palin was a total homophobic brat to her, and another one where you just went on about how much you love her! I need reasons!"
Ok, ok, settle down and I'll tell you why you should love Margaret Cho. You should love her because she's the kind of girl who's loud, obnoxious, but still so, so funny. She's the kind of girl who doesn't hold back, who is incredibly genuine and likable. And she's the kind...
A couple of days ago, I let you guys know that good ol' Lindsay Lohan was behind on her taxes. Specifically, she never paid anything for 2009. At the time, it seemed to be just another one of Lindsay's crackhead mistakes, but listen: it's not. It's not Lindsay's fault at all. She had no idea about any of this because someone was supposed to take care of this for her.
From TMZ:
Lindsay Lohan had no idea she was so deeply in the hole to Uncle Sam ... because she THOUGHT she had accountants to take care of that crap for her ... sources ...
Man, wouldn't it be great to date Jennifer Lopez? She's gorgeous, she's super funny, she'd take you to McDonald's! But you know what the sweetest part would be? She would give you 10,000 dollars every single week. We know that because that's what she's doing now with her baby boyfriend, Casper Smart.
From Star via Jezebel:
Jennifer Lopez has a kept man! She hated having to whip out her credit card every time she went to dinner with 24-year-old dancer Casper Smart, and it "bummed her out" that Casper had to ...
This is the man who is halfway responsible for bringing Katy Perry into this world. His name is Keith Hudson. And for real, he is so lame. He's so lame that he wears shirts that are unnecessarily tight, just so you can see a hint of man boob. He's so lame that the only hair he has on his whole head is in the form of little tiny eyebrows and a soul patch. He's so lame that he makes horrible anti-Semitic remarks as part of his sermon.
Here's what he had to say during his preachin' last we...
After Sinead O'Connor went and got married to a man she'd known for a couple of months, announced she was getting divorced a couple of weeks after that, then reunited with her husband a few weeks after THAT, many of us came to the conclusion that perhaps Sinead needed to consider the possibility that she might need to seek out some psychiatric help. It was just so obvious that this woman was mentally unstable, wasn't it?
Well, luckily for Sinead and everyone close to her, she finally realiz...