You guys, this is such great news! It seems like we've been hearing about celebrity breakup after celebrity breakup around here for a while now (I still can't believe it about Heidi and Seal), and it's hard on the heart, it really is. Just one of those breakups happened between the always lovely Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama, who was cute sometimes on That 70's Show. It wasn't devastating at the time, but now it just seems like part of the problem, one more reason why true love doesn't exist.
And what did she name the charity? The Born This Way Foundation. Of course.
The Born This Way Foundation, also known as the BTW Foundation (to me and my easily amused mind), is the product of a team-up between Lady Gaga and Harvard University. For real. The organization's purpose is to "explore the best ways to reach youth and create a new culture of kindness, bravery, acceptance and empowerment." I'm pretty sure what all that claptrap means is that Lady Gaga formed a whole organization to preve...
Can someone please tell me just what the hell this world is coming to? A couple of weeks ago I had to tell you that those crazy kids, Katy Perry and Russell Brand, are totally over, and about five seconds ago I had to break the awful news to you guys that Heidi Klum is apparently planning on filing for divorce from her beautiful husband, Seal, and NOW I'm here to tell you that there's a new rumor that Courtney Stodden is cheating on her one true love, Doug Hutchison? How much can the heart t...
Well, this is mildly devastating. And I mean that it's mildly devastating in terms of celebrity divorces, not in general world events. No, in general world events, it's just another sign that this world is going to hell in a hand basket, that true love and happiness don't exist, and that everything we believe in is a lie.
The word is that Heidi Klum is set to file for divorce from Seal sometime real soon. As far as we know, and I think we would have heard about it, the actual filing hasn't hap...
It's been about six months since we heard that Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony were getting a divorce. In the past couple of months, we've been telling you all about Jennifer and her new lover, but we've only briefly mentioned Marc's! Mostly because Marc Anthony usually just creeps me the hell out and I don't like to talk about him at all unless something he does really interests me, which, hey, has never happened before now because it's Marc Anthony. But now is Marc's time to shine, because he went and creeped me out enough to care. ...
Poor Lana Del Rey. Exactly one week ago today, this girl made her American television debut on Saturday Night Live, and even though she tried her best, everyone won't stop talking about how bad her performance was. And I get it, it was a weird thing to see, but come on now, she new to this whole fame thing! She doesn't even have an album out yet! She's a baby! There's no reason to be mean!
But that is exactly what everyone is doing: being mean. One of the most amusing cases of this happened in an email NBC's Brian Williams sent to Nick Denton, the founder and managing editor of Gawker. ...
Yeah, you know the ones. Those comments about how Kelly is off the wagon and gets trashed and bitches about Christina Aguilera. They're STUPID and you need to STOP, do you hear me?
If I'm not intimidating enough (pssh, I know, I'm more than intimidating enough), I'll let Kelly tell you to back off herself. Here are some tweets that she directed to Radar, the outlet that originally reported Kelly's not-so-sober behavior. Don't get too scared, guys.
thats funny radar because i was not even at any of the...
You guys! How precious is this?! Jennifer Lopez and her man, Casper Smart, are so amazingly, beautifully in love that they are discussing having babies together! BABIES! And yes, they've only been dating for somewhere around two or three months, but ... babies! Can you believe it?!
From Star via Celebitchy:
Jennifer Lopez is so smitten with her new love, Casper Smart, they are already talking babies, Star has learned! “She’s seen how great Casper is with her twins, Max and Emme...
"My boobs are real, they will sag to the floor. I just feel weird about my boobs. ... But I don't know. I don't know if that's the right direction you want to go in."
- Jersey Shore's Sammi Sweetheart responds to the timeless question "would you ever show them boobies in a nudey mag?"
You know, Sammi said that she wasn't sure if she would ever do something like pose for Playboy, but I think she would in a heartbeat. For one thing, I think that whenever somebody gets all jokey and wishy washy when a...
I don't know where to start this one. Should I show you guys some of Sinead's famous tweets that describe her hospitalization, or should I just go right ahead and be all "girl, this does not look like depression"? Tough call.
I'll just get you up to date real quick, I suppose. A little over a week ago, Sinead had a total meltdown on Twitter. She said repeatedly that she was in serious danger and that she needed to speak to a psychiatrist immediately. She was able to see someone a few hours later, and she said that she was going to be on meds for just a few weeks. It turns ...
Yesterday, while showing you the answers that Ralph Fiennes gave for the Proust Questionnaire, I asked if any of you would ever be interested in hearing more about this dude. As of this moment, three of you said yes! And that's good enough for me, friends. That's more than good enough.
See, Ralph did this interview with Details and I thought, like I did with the Proust questionnaire, that he seemed really intriguing and kind of dark. Check it out:
On going from theatre to film: Film was something that...
Sure, Casper. "Love and be happy," I bet that's an easy thing to do when you're shacked up with a hot older lady who takes you to McDonald's and gives you $10,000 a week. Yep, you're living the dream, Casper, and on some level, I've got to respect that. But on most other levels, you still seem like a pompous little asshole.
And this "age is just a number" nonsense you're trying to sell on your Twitter? Ain't nobody buying it, my friend.
Age, status, n opinions of others are irrelevan...