To get right to that question I posed up there in the headline, I don't know. I don't know if Whitney Houston was murdered or not, and neither do you. At least, I hope not. If you knew anything about the cause of Whitney's death, then you should probably be speaking to authorities instead of perusing gossip blogs. Just a friendly tip!
But hey, since I don't know the answer, and you (hopefully) don't know the answer either, you know who might know? The L.A. County Coroner's Office, the p...
What a beautiful, beautiful time in Snooki's life! This girl finally found the man of her dreams, is currently housing their lovechild in her uterus, and now, she's engaged! And no, she still hasn't made a formal announcement about any of these things, but look at that picture! Look at that ring! You don't wear a large diamond ring on that finger unless you want to stir up some rumors. And speaking of rumors, you know which outlet just picked up the "Snooki's pregnant and getting married" ...
All right, who else went through a phase during those haunting preteen years where you were obsessed with the Psycho movies? Anyone? Oh, no one else did that? No one else had a weird, uncomfortable crush on Anthony Perkins that you really couldn't explain? Oh well, let's move on then.
Yeah, apparently a movie called Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho is being made. Catchy title, right? I bet you're curious as to what it's about, huh? Well, it's about Alfred Hitchcock and the maki...
Amber Tamblyn was in the movie The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, which was based on the book series that is very near and dear to my heart. She is also engaged to comedian David Cross. Up until this morning, those were the only things I knew about Amber Tamblyn. Now, I am glad to say that I also know that she is completely awesome.
It all started when an unnamed mutual friend sent out an email to a number of people, including Amber and Tyrese. The thing is that, since Amber's middle name is Rose, she has her email address registered as - you guessed it - Amber Rose....
Do you remember Emilio Masella? He used to date Snooki before she broke up with him in a voicemail, and he was developing a reality show called Fist-Pumping for Love with Spencer Pratt for a hot minute. Oh, and he's a completely horrible human being, just in case you couldn't figure that out from those previous facts.
Check out the pretty reprehensible things he had to say to TMZ about his former lady love and the current state of her womb:
Snooki's ex-boyfriend Emilio Masella doesn't thi...
Well, yeah, obviously those boobs belong to Christina Hendricks, those ones up there clearly attached to the rest of her body. That's, like, a no-brainer. No, the boobs in question are located in a series of racy (NSFW) photos that somehow made their way from a cell phone to the internet. Yep, Christina Hendricks just pulled a Blake Lively.
I don't know why this is happening today, but I feel like it means there are great things ahead. I'm going to go out and buy a few lottery tickets an...
This is one of the stories that you're just going to have to take with a grain of salt. I don't really buy it, but I want to discuss it, so could you just do me a solid here?
Here is the epic tale of Lady Gaga's baby fever and her plan for the cure:
Lady Gaga has told the family of her new love – Vampire Diaries TV hunk Taylor Kinney – that she wants to settle down with him and have his babies.
The couple have just returned from a trip to meet Taylor’s folks in his home town of Lancaster, Pennsylva...
Aww, this is sad. As you well know, our girl Lindsay Lohan hosted Saturday Night Live last night. As you also know, it, um, wasn't that good. I told you this morning that she was incredibly flat, not to mention the fact that she so obviously and so frequently got her lines from cue cards, but you know what other people are saying? Other people are saying that Lindsay Lohan was the worst host of the whole season. And that's got to hurt a little, to have your big comeback so poorly review...
As I'm sure you all know by now, it's really, really hard for me to say anything nice about Lea Michele. I think it's because I hate her. Could that be it?
But you guys, something happened. I'm not sure if it was in this interview or in my soul, but something happened, and I don't feel that deep, intense loathing for Lea right at this moment. In fact, I feel just a little connected to her. Bizarre, right? And yeah, I do feel a little dirty.
Check out these excerpts from the interview for yoursel...
Poor Nick Cannon. This fella has not had a real great start to 2012, not by any means. First he was hospitalized for "mild kidney failure," whatever that means (I guess his kidneys weren't so much like "omg omg omg, we are dying right this very second' and more like "hey, dude, we're just gonna take a break for a minute, we cool?"), and then last month he was hospitalized again with blood clots in his lungs. All in all, I'd say he's had better times.
But now Nick is saying that all of his r...