I know, I know, like we actually needed any more proof that Michelle Williams and Jason Segel are dating after those photos Sarah showed you yesterday of those two beautiful lovebirds holding hands and being the most adorable thing that ever happened. But now that we know this couple actually exists, I'm pretty certain that it's not going to take much at all for us to tell you guys about them. It'll be like "Michelle and Jason went to dinner? Type it up!" and "BREAKING: Jason Segel and Michelle...
Oh, this should be fun! In so many stories about the Duggars, here and elsewhere, a big theme I see is overpopulation. People are always talking about how with nineteen kids and counting, this family isn't really helping that problem at all. Some people say that humans nowadays should stop procreating altogether because overpopulation is such a huge issue, and others say that even though it's kind of scary, the government should be able to limit the amount of children people have to help get the problem under control. I don't know about all that, but I do know that obvi...
And since it's such a big day for Lindsay, I decided to use my very favorite photo of her to celebrate. I know you missed it!
But what's the big occasion, you might ask. Well, I'll tell you. Today's the day that Lindsay will go to court, and she's all set to be done with probation! You guys, this is the first time she'll be off probation in four years. Just think of all the shit she's pulled in the past four years while she was on probation. Can you imagine what a hellion she'll be when...
To be fair, calling Clay Aiken and Rihanna "enemies" is a bit premature at this point in the game. Right now, Rihanna probably isn't aware than any gauntlet has been thrown down. But it has, by the always adorable and talented Clay Aiken.
Here's a couple of quotes from Clay's appearance on the show Watch What Happens last night:
The trouble started when host Andy Cohen asked Clay to name which current pop singer wouldn't make it past the first few rounds of his reality show alma mater,Â...
It's an ad for the new Kardashian Kollection swimwear collection, and unlike that lingerie ad, this one hasn't been Photoshopped at all!
Oh goodness, you guys, I can't keep that up all the way throughout this whole story: the Kardashians are Photoshopped. There, I said it. They've been ridiculously Photoshopped. Just look at Khloe and her torso. Do you see her waist? Or rather, her lack of one? I'm not calling her fat, because she's not, I'm just saying that I'm pretty sure her waist measureme...
Last week, Kim Kardashian was flour bombed. She was attending an event and someone crept up behind her and threw a big ol' handful of flour at her back. At the time, Kim just laughed it off, but not anymore. No, because now, she's very upset and she would like to press charges for the devastating attack.
Here's Kim's explanation:
"I said earlier no I wasn't [going to file a complaint]," Kim said. "I am just going to think about it, because I don't want someone to think they can really ...
You guys, I am absolutely loving this whole feud between Madonna and Deadmau5. It's got everything: a typically ignorant celebrity saying something that's typically ignorant, and a celebrity that I really don't know that much about steps in and says the obviously right thing. I get a someone new to appreciate and a new reason to mock an ignorant celebrity! What's not to love?
But you know what's going on between these two: Madonna showed up at a music festival over the weekend and asked "how many people in this crowd have seen molly," molly bei...
You guys, how many times have I talked about how great a boyfriend Justin Bieber is? A lot, right? Like, so much that I could understand if you've ever been a little creeped out by it. But listen, this is a dude who takes his girlfriend to romantic private screenings of Titanic and who once bought his girlfriend every flower in a flower shop. I think I'm allowed to swoon a little. Besides, he's legal now, get off my back.
But for as much as I've talked about Justin being a great boyfri...
Yes, that Kendra Wilkinson: former Playboy bunny and former girlfriend of Hugh Hefner. The reality star with the infamous sex tape who thinks that we're all strippers on the inside is one of my new favorite people.
"But how did this happen?" you might be wondering. It's ok, it's a fair thing to wonder. I've never seen a minute of any of Kendra's shows, and I've never seen any of her more adult work. There's no real reason why I should find her interesting at all, much less someone to look up to. That is, until I re...
You know, we can say whatever we want about Lindsay Lohan (and we do), but it's getting pretty hard to deny that this girl is getting her life back on track. Sarah mentioned it earlier today when she told you all about Lindsay's hook up with Gerard Butler: she's coming back.
She's doing that Lifetime movie about Elizabeth Taylor, and she hosted Saturday Night Live. She's done all sorts of important interviews, and she even went back to her beloved red hair. In two short days, Lindsay will finally be o...
I'm so sorry, you guys. I know that when you started your day, when you got on your computer and came over here to Evil Beet to check out the goings on, it never even entered your mind that this was a possibility. I know it never entered mine. I actually wasn't too sure we'd hear all that much about poor Lana Del Rey ever again, ever since her tour was postponed back in February. But here we are. And I'm not too sure how we got here.
By the way, that photo up there was taken backstage a...
January Jones is one of those celebrities that I don't know a whole lot about. Like, I know that she's on Mad Men, and I know she was pretty mediocre in that X-Men movie. I also know that Zach Galifianakis is not a fan of hers, which speaks volumes to me. But probably the most I know about January Jones is that she's the single mother of a baby boy and that no one has any idea who the father is. The most media attention January Jones has ever gotten was for the case of the mysterious pate...