Ooh, shocking, right? No, not that Nadya "Octomom" Suleman is going on welfare, but that she hasn't been on it for a few years already. I mean, she's a single mother of fourteen children with serious money problems. Being on welfare wouldn't be the most ridiculous thing in the world. Or would it?
From TMZ:
Octomom is doing what she swore she would never do -- go on welfare ... TMZ has learned.
The mother of 14 is getting $2,000 a month from the State of California. The money is deposited directly into a special debit card account (...
Oh, Jon Hamm. I don't think I've ever written a more tragic headline.
But hey, Jon Hamm, right? It looks like he's starting to really have a presence over here, doesn't it? And honestly, it's about time. I've always read a lot about him, but I never brought him up around here because I don't watch Mad Men and I really didn't have a clue as to what he's all about. Thank goodness he decided to talk about Kim Kardashian, otherwise I'd still just be admiring his beautiful face from afar. And my, what ...
Ok, this is going to be kind of hard to do, so bear with me, all right? We're going to talk about Josh Hutcherson, the adorable dude who plays Peeta in The Hunger Games. I finally got to see the movie yesterday (I'll probably talk more about that later, but hey, so good, right?), but I'm still in the middle of the second book. My BFF is obsessed with the series, and since she knows me well and knows how to get me excited about things, she went on and on about how "oh, Emily, there's the thin...
Oh my goodness. Another month, seriously? An entire month? Is this absolutely crazy to anyone else? For a reference, that picture above was taken at the beginning of January. She's apparently due at the end of April. It all sort of makes sense if you think about it: Jessica announced she was pregnant back around Halloween, which, if she's not due for another month, would mean that she made the announcement after the standard three months. But you guys, how much bigger could she possibly get?
I ask you, is there any better way to start the day off than by checking out some titties? I sincerely doubt it. In this crazy world where so often up is down and wrong is right, there are but a small handful of things that are pure and good. These things include chocolate covered strawberries, kisses from kittens, the artwork of Lisa Frank, and, yes, titties. If I could, I would send you all delicious desserts and precious baby animals and glittery masterpieces, but I can't. However, I can, and I w...
Oh man, Chris Klein, right? If he doesn't reek of the year 2000, I don't know who does. Remember when he was so popular? He was all over Tiger Beat and Twist, and he even dated Katie Holmes, and I always pretended to love him even though I didn't think he was all that cute. But American Pie! Here on Earth! ... Other movies! These are classics and I do have to respect him for that.
I also have to respect him for having a major alcohol problem and turning it around, and then having the courage to talk about it.
From People:
You guys heard about that incident on the JetBlue flight that happened on Tuesday, right? The pilot had some sort of mental breakdown due to an unnamed and unexplained medical situation, and basically he freaked the hell out. He was screaming about bombs and Al Qaeda, and passengers had to restrain him while the co-pilot made an emergency landing. You can read about it in detail all over the rest of the internet, but those are the basics.
And now for the celebrity gossip!
Since this wh...
But hey, nothing we didn't know already right?
In case you missed it, musical prodigy and legend Justin Bieber recently released a new single called "Boyfriend." It was beautifully written with such sound musical structure and superb lyrics, not to mention perfectly performed. Here it is, one more time:
With that stunning song fresh in our minds, it should come as no surprise that producer Mike Posner has nothing but wonderful things to say about Justin and his new album:
"I think our goal...
There's a pretty solid chance that you have, since it's a best-seller, but I hope that I can tell you at least a few things about it that you might not know yet. This entire thing just tickles me so, so much, and I want you guys to be tickled right along with me.
Ok, here's the summary of the book from Amazon:
When literature student Anastasia Steele goes to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey, she encounters a man who is beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating. The unworldly, innoce...
What is the "it" that Lindsay Lohan did exactly? So many things! She got off probation! She managed to wear a decent outfit to court! She got chastised by Dr. Drew! There's a lot to talk about, but let's just go in order, all right?
First, here's some of what Lindsay's judge had to say to her in their last courtroom meeting ever (hopefully):
"She did it," Judge Stephanie Sautner said at the start of the lightning-quick hearing.
"Ms. Lohan has done everything she was ordered to do.....
I was so worried, you guys. I was really scared that Megan Fox was going to stop being so stupid and start being kind of likable. It was weighing heavy on my heart, friends, it truly was. But here's the good news: I don't have to worry anymore, because Megan went and said something dumb in an interview! Hooray!
From Us Weekly:
Megan Fox is undoubtedly pretty, but humble? Not so much.
In an interview with April issue of France's Jalouse magazine, the 25-year-old Friends With Kids st...