I usually really like Kate Winslet. I think she's absolutely gorgeous, she's a wonderful actress, and I'm always interested in what she has to say. Oh yeah, and I loved Titanic. I don't remember how many times I went to see it, but I remember it was more than twice in theaters, and once at the drive-in. My cousin and I tried to speak like Rose and walk like her, and we tried to dress like her, but my nine-year-old self didn't have much of a budget for period costumes. But I loved it.
Maybe that's why that thing that Kate Winslet said recently, the thing...
Aww, you guys, look, it's Evanna Lynch! You know Evanna, she's the wonderful, adorable actress who played Luna Lovegood in those movies. You remember! We haven't ever talked about her over here on Evil Beet, but just know that she's awesome, all right? She was a hardcore Harry Potter fangirl before she was ever even cast in the movies: she had a cat named Crookshanks, she read fan fiction, and she wrote letters to J.K. Rowling. She was even involved in a little scandal when she trash talked T...
Oh God, I'm not trying to make Kris Humphries "happen," am I? Last week I showed you guys that interview he did with Life & Style and I told you that I "kind of like" him, which is true, and the week before that, I told you guys about the divorce battle between Kris and Kim, and I defended him. Am I a Humphries sympathizer? Do I think he's a good person?
Actually, I think I might. Especially thanks to this story from TMZ:
Being with Kris Humprhies may not be Kim Kardashian's wish anymore, but it is for a 16-yea...
Look, Rihanna's hair is dark again! What do you think? Is it better than the blonde hair she's been rocking? Are you digging the shaved bits on the side of her head? Do you wish you could see what those sunglasses actually looked like?
Personally, I like the darker look better, but I don't even know. I feel like Rihanna isn't even in this world anymore when it comes to her style choices, so I don't know if I can look at it the same way as some other celebrity dying her hair. Like, th...
I'm the sort of person who appreciates silence. When I'm in a group of people, I only speak if I think I have something important to contribute or something funny to say, and it usually takes me a while to feel comfortable enough to have a legitimate conversation with somebody. I'm definitely that awkward girl who looks kind of like a bitch and giggles weirdly at inappropriate times and fidgets constantly.
Salma Hayek, however, is not that girl. She's the kind of girl who will talk about ...
I know, that was the most obvious headline ever, wasn't it? But let me explain: not only should The Situation have been sent to rehab years ago, but MTV was well aware that he had a very serious drinking problem. For years. And they did a super job of handling it.
From TMZ:
MTV had threatened to replace The Situation on "Jersey Shore" many times over the past two years due to his excessive drinking -- sources connected with the production tell TMZ.
According to sources, producers from MTV and 495 Productions sat Situation down for the first time while s...
Can you guess who this lady is right off the bat? I sure couldn't, even though I absolutely loved the television show that she's known for. The last season aired my senior year of high school, and I remember coming home from a graduation party and realizing that I missed the series finale and being really, really disappointed. It was an awesome show.
Here's an additional hint: this isn't the first time we've shown you guys a mug shot of this lady. We shared another one a couple of years ...
And boy, does she really, really hate her. Do you remember back in December when I told you guys what Janice Dickinson had to say about Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton? It was pretty rough:
“Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian? Sluts, whores and sluts. That’s what they are. That fake sham marriage was disgusting because they did it for money! She’s a fraud, she’s a hoax.”
Janice here really isn't afraid to say whatever comes to mind, is she? It's sort of refreshing, or at least it is when you'r...
I need your help. In exchange for not April Foolin' you guys, I need you to help me review this story and figure out whether or not it's a joke. That's fair, right?
The story is actually an article supposedly written by Gwyneth Paltrow for L.A. Weekly. In the article, she gives a recipe for quail egg pasta with black truffles, "a quick fix for busy moms everywhere." The recipe requires lots of fancy ingredients, such as a black truffle that, if you can't find locally, you can order online for a little over four hundred ...
You guys, The Hunger Games was a good movie. I was really excited about it, like many of you, because I absolutely loved the book, and I was expecting to love the movie as well, just because of that. Honestly, I figured it would probably be a little like some of the Harry Potter movies (Prisoner of Azkaban and Half-Blood Prince, specifically), where I didn't love the way it was done, but I couldn't not enjoy the movie. But I thought it was really well done, thanks in large part to Jennifer Law...
And really, I don't even know where to begin. The Kids Choice Awards are always just the hottest mess of an awards show. Kids these days, right?
Since I opened up with that picture of Katy Perry, I suppose we can kick things off by talking about the fashion. Which was horrible. Well, ok, it wasn't horrible, but there were definitely touches of awful in there. Just look at Katy Perry up there and you'll see what I mean. I don't have to actually break down that outfit, do I? Please. She'...