Oh, hey there, nerds! How's it going? Great, I hope! Listen, I know you're probably getting all excited for The Avengers, and let's be real, it hasn't been more than a month since you sat down and watched an episode or 22 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And that's ok. But you want to know what will make it even more ok?
Joss Whedon recently took the time to describe how a battle between Natasha Romanoff from The Avengers, also known as the Black Widow and played by Scarlett Johansson in th...
"Wow, that's awesome!" some of you are probably thinking. "What records is she breaking? Probably all of them, huh? She's probably already won all of next year's Grammys, and all the MTV music awards and probably those country music awards too, just because! Plus I reckon all twelve songs on the album are going to be in movies this year, and so she'll probably get twelve Oscar nominations too! At least twelve, more if she finally does a sequel to Swept Away!"
Aww, no, baby birds. That...
For a while now, I believe, Snooki has dark brown hair with red streaks. I liked it all right, I guess, though I do like her with a more natural color, and I liked it loads more than I like this blonde nonsense. I don't like this at all. There's just something about this hair that screams "trashy" to me. And I don't think that's just because it's Snooki, either.
But the color isn't all I want to talk about: I also want to talk about the fact that Snooki's pregnant and dying her hair. See, I'...
And by "pulls a Kate Winslet," obviously I mean that he talked trash about the theme song of his most well-known work. Bad move, Dawson. Bad move.
Celebuzz did an interview with James Van Der Beek recently, and they asked him about "I Don't Want to Wait," that catchy as hell theme song from Dawson's Creek. Here's what he had to say about it:
“For some reason — and again, I need to get over this; I’m [a] 35-year-old, grown-ass man — but I want to hide somewhere [when I hear it],...
But before we get into all that, we need to talk about this picture of Adam and the heartbreaker in question, model Anne Vyalitsyna. What the hell is she wearing? Is it a dress, or is that bottom part like shorts that are missing a leg? Either way, what the f*ck?
Ok, now that that's out of the way, we can go ahead and get down to business. Remember how Jennifer Love Hewitt recently made a fuss over Adam Levine, saying that since they're both single now they should get together? She said...
And we're not talking about something abstract like desperation or tears, we're talking about actual scents. Does she wear some special type of perfume? Some body powders, perhaps? Maybe she has a really great soap?
No, none of that. Jennifer Love Hewitt just carries around some vanilla extract in her purse for when she needs to catch her a man:
"I carry McCormick's Pure Vanilla [in my purse] -- the baking kind -- and dab it on my neck. Men are attracted to the scent! One time, I put it on and four different guys were like, 'You smell amazing!'"
Oh, Jennifer.
I was ...
In most circles, Kevin Costner is not a celebrity that gets discussed all that often. When everyone I ever meet ever in life finds out about my job and asks me to tell them the latest gossip, they're never thinking "oooh, how's that Kevin Costner doing?" because it's 2012 and he's just not all that anymore (in case you're wondering, the things I get asked about the most are "that little redheaded girl from Parent Trap" and American Idol). But that's a shame, because it seems like Kevin Cost...
Seriously, comparing these two ladies would be like comparing Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera: where do people even come up with this stuff?! Every single singer is unique and special and - just like a snowflake! - no two of them are even remotely alike.
Especially Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga. I've been mulling it over for a while now, and I can't think of a single reason why anyone would compare the two of them. Where are the similarities, I ask you!
Oh, and Nicki would like to know as well:
Well, I know that Demi Lovato hasn't been quite so lovely lately, what with her recent talk of breaking things and trashing dressing rooms "just for the hell of it" and her tired old dating advice, not to mention her mooning over that gross Wilmer Valderrama on Twitter. So yeah, she's kind of in a rut when it comes to all that, but physically, she's still gorgeous.
And she's absolutely stunning in this photo she posted - where else? - on Twitter, with the caption "no makeup!"
Ok, first ...
Last month, Tila Tequila was in a bad, bad place. She had a brain aneurysm, and in an attempt to deal with the pain, took two bottles of prescription drugs. She overdosed and nearly died. Then she went to rehab!
Here's the story about how she turned over a brand new leaf:
On the aneurysm: "I can remember feeling like the bones were popping out the side of my head [because] the pain was so bad. I took some medications and tried to go for a nap, but when I woke up I was vomiting. I really...
Ok, so the last time we talked about Melissa Etheridge and her former wife, Tammy Lynn Michaels, was back in 2010, so yeah, it's been a while. If you weren't around then or don't remember, here's a real quick rundown: Melissa and Tammy broke up, and they had a really, really ugly divorce. Melissa seemed to be pretty collected about everything, but Tammy Lynn wrote a series of bizarre poems on her blog ranting about what an awful person Melissa is. We only covered one of those here, but I read tons more, and a quick peek at her...