You guys. You guys. Josh Hutcherson is the best thing that's ever happened to Hollywood. Josh Hutcherson is the best thing that ever happened to the world. I know it's a little sudden, but I'm starting to think that Josh Hutcherson might be to me what Adrien Brody is to Sarah. He's headed in that direction, at least. It's a big deal.
But why is he so amazing, you might be wondering. Don't worry, I'll fill you in, because I found not one, but two stories about Josh today that absolutely...
Because of her face. Yes, Lindsay Lohan could lose the chance to star in Lifetime's Elizabeth Taylor biopic, the movie that's supposed to be a big part of her comeback, all because of her face, or more specifically, the parts of her face that aren't real.
From OK! magazine via Celebitchy:
Lindsay Lohan has a plum role waiting for in Lifetime’s Liz & Dick… but in her desperation to look the part of one of the 20th century’s great beauty icons, Lindsay submitted to cosmetic procedure...
It's been nearly two years since we were graced with all those recordings that let us in on the private life of Mel Gibson, but I know we all remember it like it was yesterday. It's not every day that you hear Mel Gibson violently screaming at someone to blow him (or at least it wasn't until that fateful summer of 2010). The memories of Mel's terrifying rants will surely stick with us for a long, long time.
And probably even longer now that we're still hearing them.
Ok, we have to catch up a little bit...
It's true: if you live in Los Angeles, specifically Glendale, then it might be time to pack up and find a new neighborhood, because in about five years' time, Kim Kardashian is going to attempt to run your town.
From E! Online:
Seeing how Kim Kardashian has pretty much done it all, what's left?
Well, if the E! reality star has her way, she may someday be entering the political arena!
Yep. You read that right.
In the above bonus clip from Khloé & Lamar (airing Sundays at 10...
A knife wound that she inflicted upon her own finger.
Listen, you guys, I don't like that as much as you do, the whole super misleading headline bit. It's annoying, and if it were under the right circumstances, or about the right person or topic, it could be really upsetting, too. But when I got online this morning to check out the latest happenings, I was assaulted with headlines like "Miley Cyrus Rushed to The Emergency Room!!!" and "Miley Cyrus Hospitalized" and, my very favorite, "Blo...
If there is one thing that the world knows about Khloe Kardashian, it's probably that she's most likely not a biological Kardashian. But if there are two things that that world knows about Khloe Kardashian, those things are that she's most likely not a biological Kardashian and that she really, really, really wants to have a baby with her husband, Lamar.
For the past year or so, probably a little longer, there's been an absolutely insane amount of stories devoted to Khloe's uterus. According to popular gossip, Khloe's always having fertility t...
Oh my goodness, you guys. When Beyonce gave birth to Blue Ivy (or removed her baby bump-shaped pillow from under her shirt and picked Blue up from the hospital, whichever), did her fashion sense go with her? Because this woman has been looking rough these past few months. I'm not talking about her body either: I'm talking about the clothes that she chooses to put on her body. They are awful.
Look at those pants. Look at those plants and tell me why they exist. Or, ok, I can see why the...
“It is fairly common to have your story as a woman, even if you’re the protagonist, facilitated by all of the male characters. It’s so rare to have a female lead character being so proactive. She pushes her own story forward, rather then being affected by all of the outside elements. Hopefully we do that, I’m really proud to be a part of something like that. It’s always food for women to feel empowered.”
- Kristen Stewart talking about her role in Snow White and the Huntsman an...