Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Worst Dressed of the 2012 People’s Choice Awards: Demi Lovato Wins!

photo of demi lovato at the 2012 people's choice awards pics
Right, I know that Demi was just on the other list of Best Dressed, and we ranted and raved about how how she looked on the red carpet, but that outfit up there? That, uh, “performance” outfit? Is completely and utterly horrid.

Other honorable mentions for worst dressed include Emma Stone, who got a memo that she was performing on a cruise line last night; Robert Pattinson, who shaved all of his hotness off and appears to have eaten Kristen Stewart in the process; Kristen Bell, who … I don’t even know, should just never have combined leather and red; and Jennifer Lawrence, who looks like a decorative statue that collects dust nine months out of the year at a seasonal beach resort.

photo of emma stone at the people's choice awards pics

photo of robert pattinson pictures people's choice awards pics

photo of kristen bell at the people's choice awards pics

photo of jennifer lawrence at the people's choice awards pics

Who takes the worst?


2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Bloody hell, I love Jennifer Lawrence and God knows I am piss-my-pants excited about The Hunger Games, but that dress… no. Just, no.

  • They all look cranky and force to wear project runway’s rejects what’s with Emma’s swollen alien eyelids?