Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Adnan Gets Rejected


Britney Spears’ one-time paramour, most-time pap Adnan Ghalib was turned away from her gated community yesterday.

Adnan showed up to the gate, supposedly to see someone else in the community, but the security guard said no way.

He had to listen to the jeers from his fellow photogs as he drove away.

Tee hee.

I’m currently in love with Britney Spears’ father. He’s the guy doing all these magical and wonderful things.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Jamie Spears does seemingly rock. And he appears to have truly cared for Britney well before the $2,500-a-week conservatorship windfall kicked in. My concern is that the ‘rents seem to be in full-scale Britney mode, while the knocked-up 16-year-old goes it alone.

  • Why do you have to pay your father 2500 wkly to look out for your best interest? Adnan is a pimp though get more of Brit’s money bro

  • >Why do you have to pay your father 2500 wkly to look out for your best interest?

    At first that was my reaction too but then I remember he worked as a caterer. He is losing income taking care of his adult daughter so it is just a business write-off for Britney anyways and she can afford it.

  • Papa Spears is cutting into Adnan’s money cuz Brit should be paying her pimp and not her father.