Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Happy Holidays from Hilary Duff’s Bump!

photo of twitter hilary duff christmas pregnancy bump pictures photos weight gain loss pic
Adorable, right? Can I refer to a burgeoning bump on a woman’s midsection as “adorable,” or is it strange that humans generally feel all fuzzy and wuzzy when it comes to a woman gestating another tiny, underdeveloped human in a special neighborhood of their nether regions?

I’m kidding. Of course it’s adorable. And I’m thrilled for Hilary and her husband. She seems like she’s going to be a totally awesome, totally down-to-earth mom who just loves her family and their little nest of existence. I also fully expect her to disappear from celebritydom shortly after the baby’s born, because I just don’t see anything else being as important to her as what she’s doing now, and I can admire that, can’t you?

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