It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Lindsay Lohan photo: CWisely
“Gearing up for her role in ‘Herbie The Love Bug: Two Flat Tires’.”
First runner-up: Whitt
“No one’ll ever steal my drug money again! Just keep clenching, just keep clenching …”
Second runner-up: Ashley
“This is your butt on drugs. Should’ve done uppers.”
*Honorable Mention (because they were ALL so funny): Puddin
“And now for something completely different …”
Congrats to CWisely! As for the rest of you, get commenting if you want to win some free crap!
OMG Tom got new lifts in his shoes!!
“What the hell is Tom doing bringing his UFO out?”
“OH NO! The color monster is coming to get me!”
Xenu? Is that you?
Take me to your leader.
Look at the size of those nuts on that pigeon.
Where, Katie, where?
On his chin, just below his pecker.
Tom IS a thetan!
And so Katy realized that maybe it is too early for Suri to wear high heels after all.
Are you there Xenu? It’s me…Katie.
Is that Xenu throwing Chicklets down to the faithful?
I gotta catch me one !
Finally a guy I can wear heels for!
“It’s a plane… It’s a bird! No it’s………”
and this is how I went up on Shaq…
Oh my god, is that MY Tom dancing on the balcony???
I had no idea pigeons made love that way!
Dear Diary,
Sightseeing…the 50′ Gummi-Penis Monument.
Wish I’d brought Suri.
There goes my career!
Dammit Tom! Get down from that couch!
Katie Homes looking at things.
You have the soul of a poet.
It’s a Bird, It’s a plane, Oh, It’s only Tom.
When Tom and I have a conversation, this the way he stands.
MI: IM-Katy, if you fart, you’ll blow those boots off. Love from above, Tom