The Duggars Tweeted photos of their deceased baby. Appropriate? [The Superficial]
The grossest rebounds of 2011. [Lainey Gossip]
Kanye was eating Kim Kardashian up like cake. [Bossip]
Serial daters of 2011. [Starpulse]
Beyonce thinks her pregnancy will be more believable if she goes “partially vegan.” [Cele|bitchy]
RIP Christopher Hitchens. [Huff Po]
Leighton Meester’s Craigslist stalker. [The Frisky]
Half of Americans are either “poor,” or “low-income.” [Bossip]
7 Things We’ve (Hopefully) Learned Since High School. [The Frisky]
Scarlett Johansson needs a toothbrush Part II. [Yeeeah]
Senior citizen flash mob. [theBERRY]
Is Britney engaged? [Amy Grindhouse]
Lucy Pinder‘s boobs. [IDLYITW]
Sofia Vergara‘s nude backside. [The Superficial]