Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Justin Biel Throws Justin Timberlake Under the Vodka Bus

So this is Jessica Biel‘s brother, Justin. Ironic, isn’t it? There’s also a pretty obvious similarity in their looks, too. And, like his sister, wow is this guy a little bit obnoxious. You’ve just got to see this video, wherein he sort of pushes his boss, Justin Timberlake, into promoting his vodka brand a bit further so that Justin Biel could maybe make some money.

If you watch the video, just be advised, it’s way NSFW (due to language), and if you’ve got an adversity to talk about “bitches” who are “hot as f-ck,” you might be well-advised not to check it out at all. However. I have a feeling curiosity is going to win on this one, and you’ll be watching with the same dumb, slack-jawed look that I had on my face the entire four-plus minutes.

Really, the only part that makes it worthwhile in watching is when he’s talking about “throwing up all over the f-cking room,” (that tidbit was pretty amusing) and the fact that he still has a MySpace. LOLZ!

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