Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nine Minutes of Mary-Kate is reporting that the masseuse who found Heath made four calls to Mary-Kate Olsen before calling 911.

The total time elapsed between the first call and her actually calling someone who could help? Nine minutes.


WTF?? What is that? Nine minutes? Who the hell figures they’d better call someone else before emergency services? I mean that’s just kooky talk.

This just hammers home the point that I set out to prove when I filled in for the Beet this week: The Olsen twins are the devil.

18 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Seriously thought that is fucked that whomever called a Trollson first. WTF is wrong with that douche.

    But, if Heath had all those benzo based drugs in his system like the adivant and what not, most likely his heart stopped, that stuff is muscle relaxers. And even if those 9 min were spent reviving him, there is the chance he still could have died or been a BEET for the rest of his life.

  • Spiteful Lars! I’ve always thought the the Olsen twins (together) were the Devil! People laughed at my theory, but now…not so much. How ya like me now, peeps?

  • Although I believe the Olsen’s are shady little trolls, this story is just sensationalizing the horrible reality that Heath Ledger is gone.

    I am so sad for his little girl who will be able to see and read all about this tragedy when she is older. One day the poor kid will be able to see thoughtless pictures of her dad in a body bag… so sad.

  • I think that this was not the first time the “help” has found Heath passed out. Who ya gonna call? Mary Kate, ’cause who would know all about what to do in case of an overdose.

  • I heard that the reason Mary Kate was called was because she is Heath’s neighbor and one of her bodyguards (at Mary Kates’s home when she was called) is a trained EMT. It makes the story less bizarre this way. Even a complete retard would know that emegency services should be called first. But I think if I knew there was an EMT only a couple minutes away, I might call the nearby EMT first. The sooner help arrives, the better. The Olsen Twins are still evil though.

  • What makes the olsen twins evil? please can someone fill me in on the details im only a part time celebrity gossip maniac

  • Anon: They are the epitome of young rich hollywood gremlins with no descernable skills, never quite clean up well and too much blow.

  • stupid bitch massues should of called 911 straight away! frign dumb bitch, calls Mary-Kate!
    ive never really lyk’d Mary-Kate and this just makes me hate her even more..
    Heath could of survived if there wasnt so much time wasted calling Mary-Kate!
    i cant belive hes gone ='(

  • Umm.. Why is it mary-kate’s fault she was called before 911? What kind of idiot does that anyway :@ Hope she pays