Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Terrence Howard Will Cut You

A photo of Terrence Howard at the VH1 Do Something Awards on Aug 14

Some guy got what he thought was actor Terrence Howard‘s phone number. This story is already great, right? As if Terrence Howard is really the kind of guy you wanna tick off.

So one night in August, the guy’s girlfriend drunk-dialed the number. Her call went to voicemail, and she left a three-minute message professing her “undying love” to Mr. Howard. Alas, she had left the message on Terrence Howard’s wife’s voicemail. Mr. Howard was not amused.

The prank callers probably didn’t think Terrence Howard would call back, but he did. Did he ever.

Radar’s source—heretofore referred to as “some guy”—gave Radar the audio of Mr. Howard’s terrifying death threat. “If you call my wife again,” Mr. Howard says, “I’m going to come to your house and I’m going to cut your f—cking throat. Understand that. I’m gonna tell you this one time. You call my wife again, I’m going to kill you.”


But this is actually a really cute story in disguise! Last week, Mr. Howard called Radar’s source a second time, to apologize! (Here’s the audio.)

“I’m so sorry for calling you and speaking that way,” he says in the voicemail. “I thought you were somebody that’s been harassing my wife. Please forgive me.”


Mr. Howard also text messaged the unnamed source, again emphasizing that his wife had believed she was receiving obscene texts from a serial harasser. “I responded with the protective nature that a husband has for his wife,” Mr. Howard SMS’d. “Forgive me for the anger, but as you are watching over your girlfriend, I too am devoted to my love.”

I think the real takeaway here is, try not to harass someone who already has a stalker. Or a big, muscly boyfriend.

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • terrence howard doesn’t give two shits about his wife anyway. he lives in my town and frequents the restaurant i work at. not only has he asked me and more than a few of my coworkers to come home with him, but he had sex with one of our underage hostesses. myself and several of the other girls i work with have expressed to our managers how much he creeps us out when he comes to the restaurant. what an entitled, ugly, piece of shit.

  • *shrug* When a ‘guy’ gets that mad because someone is trying to take his ‘piece of property/ass’, you know he’s both cheating and very insecure.

    Actually, it makes the woman easier to sleep with. It almost always means he’s emotionally abusive. And/or she already knows about his cheating and is flattered that someone would want to ‘risk death’ to sleep with her. Otherwise, she just grows legs and walks.

    He’s also shown that he is incredibly easy to bait, which also makes him an easy mark.

  • Sounds like something an angry ex wife who originally leaked this would write….i know divorces are bad. but captain obvious?? These just seem like desperate attempts to bring someone down.

  • Why would the Wife be the Angry one?? Isn’t she the one that Filed for Divorce? Hmmm, I think Terrence is just an Angry, Desperate, Idiot.
    Oh yes, Of course he is Abusive. He’s been in Prison for Domestic Violence. People get a clue!