Because what else do you get the fetus who has everything?
According to this Twitter account, Beyonce swallowed a Blackberry, and now her child has access to the outside world. And of course, what else would you do with your very first smartphone besides connect to the world through 140 characters or less?
Here are a few of the more poignant things the fetus has said so far:
This is going to be one sassy kid, huh?
Her pregnancy announcement broke the most-tweets-per-second recorded for a single event. (An astonishing 8.8k/sec!) This is an astonishing display of both our interconnectedness as a culture and rampant idiocy in today’s society.
Of course, if her fetus really did have a twitter account it’d probably say stuff like: Please don’t go before a genocidal maniac and sing for money (like good ol’ mohmar (that’d be wacky-Gaddafi and pals))! Or please don’t name me something freakin’ stupid!
On a side note I was going to make a crack about “who’s my daddy?” but I like Jay-Z and, I guess, Beyonce.
On a real side note I had NO idea there were books on “Rap Technique”. I LOLFR and had to put “How to Rap: The Art & Science of the Hip-Hop MC” on my reading list!
I was loling all the way through.