Today's Evil Beet Gossip

What Will Beyonce And Jay-Z’s Kid Look Like?

A photo of Beyonce and Jay-Z

Well, if that fetus is a boy, I’d say there’s a pretty good shot that he’s going to look a little something like that picture above.

A forensic artist named Dr. D’Lynn Waldron made up this little image to show the world what she thinks the male spawn of Beyonce and Jay-Z will look like. Handsome little fella, right? Dr. Waldron imagines that the kid will have “father’s feature’s, mother’s eyes.”

Let’s take this a few steps further, shall we? I think this child will have the artistry and grace of Beyonce with the business sense and … um … another positive quality of Jay-Z. What do you wish for this child?

Image courtesy of TMZ

18 CommentsLeave a comment

    • OK??? Who cares, we are in a depression and, we are stressing over an unborn child. Just because its JayZ and Beyonce

  • noone will know how the damn baby look until it comes from his mother wound so ….why guess? if he ugly then he is ugly if he wont be ugly then he wont be ugly why am i saying this sont noboy know if he is a girl or a boy anyway so WHY BOTHER!!!!!!11 get a damn life people and leave the baby alone lik for real and if u have a nasty comment about what i said KICK ROCKS because idc

  • yall are all stupid is what i think, you probably smell like dookieland. yall are ugly and your mama dresses you funny and you just really don’t even know what you are talking about. beyonce? she’s not even preggers and yall are gay! soooooooooooooooooooo- KICK ROCKS BC IT’S ROCK KICKIN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW BEYONCE DOESN’T HAVE ANY WOUNDS!

  • Honestly i don’t see why people are getting mad at the fact that people are paying this much attention to Jay & Bey b/c Bey is pregnant. I mean if this were you and your hubby you would be the happiest person in America. But come on guys it’s her first child and she’s been wanting this so why don’t you just let her have her moment?? When you time comes im sure your gonna want your time, and why hate keep your negativity to YOURSELF i mean you the one on the internet clicking on stuff talking about jay and bey like come on, If you don’t care DON’T nobody is asking you to care…. If you don’t like the fact that she’s pregnant you can’t change that because you don’t have the power too. If you’re tired of hearing it turn off the tv get off the internet and read a book