I’m horrible at blind items. My brain just does not work in that way. Trust me, I wish it did, I would bring you all the scoops, but sometimes life isn’t fair. But then, very very rarely, a special little blind item comes along that I have to know the answer to or I will simply die. This is one of those:
This is one of the hottest tickets in town. This mom, who is married, or I think she is married, close enough anyway to this former A list movie actor who is still a solid B with A+ name recognition started a club. It is for celebrity mothers. Each month, a play date/party is held where the moms bring their kids called PPP. Pot, porn and petting. Yep, the kind of petting you think. Apparently all of the moms are in hetero relationships but like the monthly bonding. One former B list movie actress from one hit movie who keeps failing at television is rumored to have got pregnant solely because she wanted to come to these parties. Who watches the kids?
Who could it be? Seriously, I have zero guesses. That’s a lie: the former B lister with the single hit movie could be Alicia Silverstone maybe, right? Maybe she had Bear Blu so she could get into the cool club. I don’t know, I’m just grasping at straws here.
Can any of you more blind item savvy folks give me a hand here? I’m a curious lady, and I need some theories.
Calista Flockhart
Courtney Cox? Wasn’t she into anal bleaching?