If we’re to believe Spike TV’s Guys Choice Awards, she has. That’s the award Jennifer won last night: Decade of Hotness. And I’m not saying that she’s not hot, I’m just saying that I don’t know if she’s THAT hot.
As you may have realized, I always turn to you guys in times of uncertainty. And this, dear friends, is one of those times. I’m going to show you a slew of Jennifer Aniston pictures from this past decade, and you guys can let me know if she deserves the award and, if not, who does (I’m just kidding with this last link, by the way. Wouldn’t that be so catty of me?).
no she’s not hot.
brooklyn,cole,dias are hot.
Yeah, I think she deserves the award. I mean, there are actually a lot of occasions that I found Jennifer Aniston really hot.
I disagree. She looks good when her hair is in her face, like Cousin It. Otherwise, kinda manly
She is hott!!!!!!
She is hott!!!!!!!
What is she doing? She looks like she’s bought into her hype. Look at me, me, me, me. I’m hot–this award I bought says so, too! No thanks. She seems like a real head case, attention addict.
she is definitely a hottie…