Today's Evil Beet Gossip


To to 2:25.

Just go there.

Because Tori does.

Thanks to Michael K at DListed for the heads-up!

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I would have applauded too. Peeps need to sit there asses down, especially front row, and show some respect to the artist. It ain’t a damned open bar with karoake muzak, but an artist people paid to see, people you’re disturbing. Set yo’ ass down or get the fuck out. Go Tori!

  • She’s fucking right. Those of us in the back would have given our right tits to have those seats. Asshole. :) Just sayin.

  • LOL Yum you obviously are the type that gets kicked out of concerts. I’m glad she expects proper behavior from people. She’s been making stupid people leave her shows for years though that’s why her concerts are better than others you actually get to enjoy the music. And not have a drunk chick fall over on you. Heaven!

  • SugarBear i love how you think she expects or might even promote proper behaviour when she is there saying get the fuck out of my show? how about some manners and perhaps not to be spoken to like a piece of shit from some foul mouthed sour old grape hope the piano strings snap while her face is near em stupid old cow