The Degeneration of Miley continues: her bralessness heads overseas. [The Superficial]
Will and Kate invade America. [Lainey Gossip]
10 moms that don’t deserve shit for Mother’s Day? [Bossip]
Nicole Scherzinger and 50 Cent do a video. LOL and yeah, I’m serious. [Hollywood Dame]
14 celebrities celebrating Cinco de Mayo! [The Frisky]
Turns out the ‘Golden Voice Guy‘ is kind of a loser. [TMZ]
Guy Ritchie got circumcised for Madonna? [Cele|bitchy]
Maybe Pippa and Harry really ARE gettin’ it on. [Socialite Life]
… Kate Bosworth sings, too? [Heatworld]
Cameron Diaz for Maxim – gross or what? [Yeeeah]
Why did Brad Pitt and Courteney Cox have dinner together? [INFDaily]
Beyonce‘s video game: lame or what? [OMGBlog]
Is Blake Shelton a homophobe? [IDLYITW]
it’s really irresponsible and insensitive to call someone a “loser” for relapsing. relapse is an unfortunate but extremely common part of addiction treatment….just like the treatment of many other diseases. we don’t call someone a loser because their cancer comes back. at least he is giving it another shot…
I see your point, but there’s a VAST difference between someone who’s suffering from cancer and say, an alcoholic or drug addict.
Well I understand why you might say that…but sit and actually ask yourself why you think there is such a vast difference. Disease is a disease is a disease no matter how its contracted. Addiction is a disease…as a society we attach a stigma (which makes it that much harder for those suffering to recover) to certain diseases. Do you view someone who got lung cancer due to their addiction to cigarettes differently than a child suffering from leukemia? What about someone who got HIV? Most probably would honestly say yes…but that needs to change.
Sure, but addiction (arguably) is a lot easier to break than AIDS or pancreatic cancer or leukemia. Most terminal patients suffering from pathogenic diseases would probably kill to be ‘just an alcoholic,’ or ‘just a drug addict.’ If they had that type of chance, you can bet it’d be one quit and done. It’s unfortunate that people don’t realize the games they play with their lives until it’s too late.
Why does all of young Hollywood get the same stupid “Breathe” tattoo? Drew Barrymore, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, etc. Really, you can’t think of something original? I really need to invest in laser tattoo removal….