You know, some people hear ‘Planned Parenthood’ and automatically think ‘abortions,’ ‘encouraging teen sex,’ and ‘fuck you, mom, I’m gonna do what I want,’ but in reality, Planned Parenthood is much, much more than that, and if the government has anything to say about it, it’ll be gone before we know it.
Although I think Scarlett Johansson probably did this because her new diddle-partner, Sean Penn, put a bug in her ear, I’m totally in agreement with everything she said. Eliminating government funding for Planned Parenthood WOULD be totally detrimental to the nation’s men and women who, frankly, aren’t lucky enough to be able to have a full-time job with benefits, or are able to fork over the three-hundred bucks a month for a health care plan of their own that doesn’t pay for shit for the first year anyway. Stopping monies for PP would be just as crazy as, I don’t know, Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn playing with a pork sword in a hotel room somewhere. And apparently? Crazy things happen sometimes.
While I detest abortion (with a few exceptions, rape, dead mother) I will always support someone’s right to choose.
That said, if certain religious entities would get their act together (contraception) there would less of a need for Planned Parenthood. They teach abstinence, they supply condoms, etc for those who can’t wait to have sex, trying to protect people (especially youth) from the bad of things that sex can bring. Why you would want to pull the plug on something that can do soo much good is beyond confusing
As a fiscally conservative libertarian, I couldn’t disagree more. It is not the federal government’s responsibility to educate people and support them in the areas of abortion, birth control or child rearing. People need to held accountable for their behavior and it shouldn’t be the taxpayers’ obligation to clean up after them and pay for the repercussions of them wanting to get laid. Planned Parenthood perfectly demonstrates why so many people believe the government is bloated and why we are in such deep debt.
I agree. and if people want planned parenthood to continue the free market will keep it open. Why does something so wonderful need tax payer money? Bill O’Reilly can raise a million dollars for Fisher House why cant celebrities help keep planned parenthood open?
Señor Loco, estás loco.
I’m not going to get into how wrong you are, because that’s not why I came to the comments page.
Anyway: I don’t necessarily think it’s Sean Penn’s influence; sometimes it takes the right cause to really bring out the fight in people.
I’d never been politically active before the House of Representatives proposed the bill to defund Title X and Planned Parenthood, but I’ve been supporting PP every day since. Hell, I was even at the D.C. rally last Thursday (I spent 23 hours on a bus just to be in the city for 5 hours for the rally).
Good for you – I give you props!
The only good service that Planned Parenthood provides is abortions for morons which keeps them from bringing even more morons into the world.
If a stupid actress is for it, I’m against it.
I was listening Señor Loco, because you do have a partially valid point, up until the last comment.
I would agree with your first point if all PP did was hand out condoms and provide abortions, and while that’s the most talked about part of their business, it is nowhere on the same level as its counseling services which I feel more than pay for itself (funding wise). With more parents wanting to pull their kids out of Sex-Ed (possibly even banning from their school district) and having a tainted view of sex as it is (I mention the religious element simply because of how many of them condemn birth control of any kind) why pull funding on a service that might a persons only hope of avoiding pregnancy or an STD? Abstinence is still the safest method, and last I checked PP still pushed for it.