This time it’s that driving instructor, who’s suing for $100,000 in compensatory damages and unspecified punitive damages, claiming the producers used fraudulent means to get him to sign the release forms.
He actually came off just fine in the film, but I think he’s pissed that the film made so much money, and he saw none of it.
Borat sucks.. Anyone who is so crude and vulgar deserves to be tarred and feathered and run out of town riding on a rail.
Clementines SUCKS. Borat was absolutely hilarious & genius! He just showed the world the way people really are…complete idiots & assholes!
The people that are suing him are doing it because either 1) they want some of the massive amounts of money he made from it or 2) because they looked like complete fools in it, which is the way they really are because they would’ve changed once they knew the cameras were ‘on’
I say-Very Niiiiiice!!!
i agree 100% with ashley! and why is he suing now? the movie was out like a yr ago wasnt it?
that guy was my driving instructor. hilarious.
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Brittany sucks.
So they all signed the release and now want some money because, like someone said, they look stupid or just want some money.
Next time try not to be stupid.
That said, it’s a shame Cohen and company selected just the bigots to portray. There are 100-1000x more people in the US genuinely willing to help. You can find his bigots in every country. As long as we all recognize that fact, the movie is hilarious, indeed. I cried with laughter listening to Borat swear at other drivers.
If the point was to show Americans as having any amplified bigotry, that highlights a bigotted opinion of its own and already defeats its own purpose. Hoist with its own petard, as Shakespeare said.