Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Montel Williams Was Busted for Trying to Bring a Pipe Onto a Plane

photo of montel williams pictures

FFS, come on. A plane. A prolific television presence tries to bring a pipe on a plane. And doesn’t think he’s going to get busted for it one way or the other.

You know, I never understood the people who tried to bring drugs or paraphernalia on public planes after 9/11. Rules and regulations cracked down so much after the WTC and Pentagon events that I was afraid to bring a damned lighter onto the plane in 2004. And again in 2010 (but they didn’t care so much about my lighter or my matches in 2010, I’m afraid to say).

That being said, wanna hear the real fucked up part? The pot pipe, according to authorities, didn’t even have residue in it. It hadn’t even been used. Montel probably picked it up in one of Wisconsin’s many headshops (not that I’d know about those or anything) as a souvenir or something. Second kicker? Boyfriend has also had a prescription for medical marijuana for the past few years.

That aside, all I know is that bringing – or even trying to bring – something that could be construed as drug paraphernalia onto an aircraft these days isn’t crafty, sneaky or bold – it’s just stupid. Put it in your checked luggage and hope for the best.  If not, you’re going to get busted, dude, and it’s setting a bad example for more impressionable people who don’t have scripts for the medical gange. Not to mention, you kind of look a tiny, tiny bit like our President. It’s not a cool message to be sending to countries around the world who don’t know who you are, but who are now having grand old times seeing your face plastered next to drug bust headlines.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • It definitely bothered me that I wsa able to get through TSA with a par of scissors, but my stethescope (I’m an EMT) caused a mini-lockdown.

  • Poor little Marijuana Montel. Guess next time he’ll have to consider a confection based transportation method. Dumb ass.

  • I flew with a pipe in my checked baggage when I came home from Amsterdam a few years ago. No one said anything.

  • The dude’s got MS, I’d have been the FIRST doctor to run him a medicinal marijuana prescription. And while I don’t smoke now, I used to, and I remember signs all over head shops stating that they were selling TOBACCO pipes as far as customers and the law were concerned. And as far as TSA is concerned? I would think the same thing. I can’t tell you HOW many years I flew with a lighter both on my person and in my baggage and I was FLIGHT ATTENDANT. On that same note, I probably had just as many lighters tossed as I discreetly positioned between myself and my baggage.

  • I don’t see why he couldn’t fly with it. He didn’t have marijuana in it. Are you going to kill someone with an effing pipe these days?

  • Drug paraphernalia laws vary everywhere. Where I live you certainly won`t get in trouble for a clean pipe no matter where you went with it but some place like Texas it is a serious offense. He definitely should have checked the local and airline laws but I can see a lot of people not knowing this.

  • So all black people look alike? He doesnt look anything like our President! Not even a “tiny bit”. But it was stupid to try to bring it on the plane though. He was probably high. LOL.

  • wtf how can you (and the relevant authorities) so easily associate a terrorist wanting to blow up a plane and someone who smokes a bit of grass? its a plant fer feksake! what are you so afraid of?

  • My friend from California comes to my State(WI) 3 times a year to vist me. He always brings a 1/8 or 1/4 of weed with him to share. He’s never had any trouble bringing it on the planes.

  • I bought a pipe in Tijuana the last time I visited in SoCal and flew home with it in my checked luggage to the Midwest and had no issues. WTF is the problem with an unused pipe?

  • …if it wasn’t used, and he bought it in a store (therefore probably even paying TAXES on it), it was totally legal. There is more to this story.

    According to TSA.GOV you can bring a smoking pipe in either carry on or checked baggage.

    Also, in 2004, I accidentally brought a pocket knife onto a plane. I forgot it was in my carry on (which made it through the X-ray fine). And you were afraid to bring matches, which are still fine to this day?