Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Don’t Worry You Guys, Robert Pattinson is a Good Kisser

Oh, the time that this information will save me. Hours and hours each day, probably. I mean, before I saw this clip of Christina Ricci on Rachael Ray talking all about what it’s like to make out with R.Patz, I was spending up to fifteen hours a day asking myself, “Is he a good kisser? I mean, he looks like he would be, but is he really?”

Just kiddin’, y’all. I’ve never wondered anything like that in my life. About anyone. And I have to know who does wonder about such things because it seems like every interview with a celebrity that I’ve ever seen includes at least SOMETHING about making out with co-stars. What’s wrong with you horn dogs? Can’t people just enjoy someone’s acting/face without wondering what it’s like to touch lips with them? Plus, how can we trust that Christina Ricci knows what she’s talking about?

Don’t be so freakin’ base, guys.

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