Remember that one time back in June when New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys performed together at Radio City Music Hall and it was wonderful and I was all “I sense a tour a-comin'”? Well, I was right, natch. The groups are joining forces to totally blow our minds come next summer, but in the meantime, check out that above interview with Ryan Seacrest. To be honest, I’m not really interested in what’s being said because I’m too busy trying to wrap my mind around all nine dudes* sitting around together, being older versions of those dudes whose pictures I tore out of Tiger Beat.
I’m crossing my fingers for a Nashville date, but I’m probably just going to have to count on y’all guys in the big cities to sneak in a fancy camera phone. Don’t let me down.
*Too bad the fifth Backstreet Boy (my very favorite), Kevin Richardson, is busy starring in low budget vampire musicals.
They’ve all been on their knees behind a liquor dumpster.