The last season of the immeasurably influential talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, is ushering in its farewell season and promising bigger and better surprises than ever. Well, considering that Oprah’s already given away homes, cars, vacations, educations and refrigerators with televisions built in, I’m dying to see how she plans on topping it.
This is a speculation post. Let’s try and spoil the surprise for ourselves, OK? What do you think Oprah’s planning on giving away as her “biggest surprise ever”? I’m thinking it’s a How Stella Got Her Groove Back-style getaway for an audience full of downtrodden females. Or maybe she bought up a bunch of homes to give away to those who had theirs taken away due to foreclosure. Perhaps everyone’s going to get a week with JOHN TRAAAAA-VOOOOOOOLLLL-TAAAAAAAA!
What do you think she has in store for us?
I’m going to guess that the “Big Surprise” is another season of Oprah. Or another “Dr.” talk show.
I know I’m probably wrong though. For all I know, she gave everyone a free trip to the moon. It’s Oprah, she can do anything.
that she is actually married