Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Watch Lindsay’s Mom Be Ridiculous on The Today Show!

Did you guys catch Dina Lohan on the Today show this morning?  I didn’t, because I’m not a masochist, but luckily there are clips and quotes floating around the interwebs so I could catch myself up on whatever nonsense Lindsay’s mom is currently spewing.

First of all, Dina is still going on about how Lindsay didn’t deserve the sentence she got, because she’s “not condoning drinking and driving,” but Lindsay’s “changed.  She’s grown up considerably.”  Because that’s how the law works, right, if you apologize and write a 500 word essay on what you’ve learned, then you don’t ever have to account for laws you’ve broken.

Dina goes on to throw around the word “propaganda” in reference to the media coverage of Lindsay, mention a book she may write about her experience of being famous in New York before Lindsay was born (really?), and to state that she doesn’t even know what being a stage mom means.

Oh, and she also says that while in jail, Lindsay made friends with murderers.  If I don’t get that Lindsay and Alexis Neiers sitcom, then I want a painting of Lindsay hanging out with some killers, at least.

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  • Blame the judge, blame the system, but don’t blame your self Dina. COME ON. Kid would have grown up better as an orphan than with you as a mom. Also, age has NOTHING to do with addiction, Dina. She’s not going to grow out of it. SHE NEEDS HELP. And someone stable to lean on. That someone ain’t you Dina.

    This just made me angry.

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  • Remember when the NY Times put a moratorium on all things Paris Hilton unless it was legitimately newsworthy? We need to do the same for Dina Lohan. The woman is an enabler and seems to be pretty delusional. Don’t give her any more attention than she deserves–and at this point, making excuses for her daughter’s lifestyle and spewing venom about her ex-husband is *not* deserving of anyone’s attention. Go away, Dina Lohan.

  • I was really disappointed the Today Show chose to give Dina Lohan air time.

    I was even further disappointed that Matt Lauer did not jump up and bitch slap her (like when he and Dr. Marshall fought in Land of the Lost) for NOT answering the questions he was asking her.

    The only thing I heard coming out of her mouth was “Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!”

  • Enabler, enabler, enabler. This is all I thought throughout the whole interview. She is a deranged and delusional woman who I honestly think is looking out more for herself than anyone else. No one cares if she was famous or has a life, and its like worry about the sanity of your own offspring before you go and pen a book deal, you money hungry, fame hungry whore.

  • I found myself shaking my head during the whole interview. How is Lindsey suppose to take responabilty for her actions when she has that horrible women telling her she’s being “hardballed”?

  • uuugh this woman is CRAZY. She like twitched every time she’d smile and bitchily deflect all of his questions. Watching this i just wanted to slap her. She’s fucking nuts. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she does coke with Lindsey. Ugh it’s enraging to see someone who so clearly can’t mother. When will this woman stfu and take responsibility.

  • Only made it through 4:48 of the video; that woman is stupid… How is she doing? How is she feeling and all she wanted was to trash the original judge on the case. She couldn’t complete a sentence… pretty pathetic; great mothering skills; Danielle Staub laughs at her. I challenge anyone to actually watch the whole 13 minutes; if you can, wow, I know I couldn’t do it.

  • I, too, had a really hard time watching this interview. I LOVED when Matt brought her back for the 2nd part trying to get Dina to admit that Lindsay’s been to rehab 4 times, not the two like she claimed. Could she have even squeezed the word “hardball” into the interview any more? I don;t think so. and the fact that she has 4 children, one that even graduated summa cum laude……yada yada yada…..whatever Dina-get off the air. She is an idiot of epic proportions.