Following in the footsteps of important celebrities like Amanda Bynes and LeAnn Rimes, Kanye West got a Twitter. I have high hopes that this is going to be the best Twitter account ever. Here are his first two tweets:
Up early in the morning taking meetings in Silicone Valley
Lol I spelled Silicon wrong ( I guess I was still thinking about the other type of silicone ITS A PROCESS!! : )
See what I mean? Comedy gold. He also had some other gems – he got his account yesterday, and he has 49 tweets at this time – and I am going to share with you guys some of my favorites:
I feel the glow
Dress up for flight
cool ain’t cool no more,it’s a new day education is the new motivation truth taste and beauty let’s raise our children better than us
Seriously, do yourself a favor and check that out. You can see the part where he doesn’t understand how trending topics work and the part where he doesn’t understand how basic grammar works. I imagine this would be what it would be like if my crazy aunt got a Twitter, except Kanye hasn’t mentioned a margarita machine, moral uncleanliness, or selling overpriced costume jewelry with the ladies from his church. Not yet, anyway.
Good going, America! It is your money that put this asshat in the position he is today. Kanye, the Jersey Shore bunch, the Real Housewives….no wonder the rest of the world hates us. Sometimes I hate us…..
“…and the part where he doesn’t understand how basic grammar works.”
^ love this.
honestly, how is kanye even famous? such a douche. oh wait, that’s the sort of famous that america LOVES. in total agreement with St. Louis comment. this country’s priorities are so backwards.
Kayne is an insufferable douchebag.
I love Kanye West. He’s absolutely crazy, I think he is hilarious. Of course he isn’t famous over here so I just read about him when he does funny shit, like crashing into Taylor Swift’s big moment or the whole New Orleans debacle. Love him. And I love Amber Rose, too.