Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Why Am I Sad About Al and Tipper Gore Divorcing?

You’ve probably read by now that Al and Tipper Gore announced today that they were divorcing after 40 years of marriage. Al sent out a brief email to his close friends saying, “This is very much a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration.”

The general reaction from the public and friends close to the couple seems to be shock. It’s not that we thought of Al and Tipper as Brangelina, but they were solid as a rock as far as I was concerned.

Why do I feel like my parents are getting a divorce? I don’t even think I like Al Gore that much. I mean, he’s fine. And Tipper Gore is a lyric protestin’ bitch, so like… I shouldn’t care! But I do!

Anyone else with me?

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Funny you would talk about parents divorcing, Molls, I myself sort of see Al Gore as a father figure somehow. I don’t want him to divorce. I want him to (try and) save the planet and love his wife ever after. Does anything last?
    Will the planet?

  • Because it IS sad.
    Forty years? What, are you fucking KIDDING me you’re going to QUIT?
    It hurts.
    What kind of examples are you setting now, Mr. And the now-to-be-former Mrs. Gore?
    Whatever problems you’ve got, handle them.

    • True, work it out. At least the kids are grown. But it’s still a stupid fucking thing to do. You’ll soon see some airhead 20 something tree hugger on his arm.

  • Their divorce, at this stage, 40 years, is kinda odd, I mean Gore-Al, looks a mess. It can’t be that he’s found some young chippie. And Tipper, she looks pretty good! I’d hop on it.

  • She ain’t going take the rap when he gets busted for stealing and lying to the public and world..

  • Hate to sound jaded but they probably stayed together until the day Al decided he could no longer be elected for something. Hindsight is 20/20. They could have divorced years ago.