Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Keifer Sutherland Will Serve Way Less Jail Time Than He Should For a FOURTH Goddamn DUI

Keifer Sutherland to Do Jail Time for Fourth DUI


The show’s star agreed to serve 30 days for driving with a blood-alcohol level above the legal limit of .08 percent, as well as 18 days for violating his probation for a 2004 drunken driving case, according to court records.

The actor was not in the courtroom and his attorney, Blair Berk, entered the plea agreement. A second misdemeanor charge, driving under the influence, was dropped. The charges stemmed from a traffic stop in Los Angeles last month.

As part of the arrangement, Sutherland must also enroll in an 18-month alcohol-education class and attend weekly alcohol-therapy sessions for six months.


He’s doing like 45 days in jail for a fourth DUI?

While early releases have been granted to others, including celebrities, because of jail crowding and other concerns, Sutherland must serve all of his time, according to the plea agreement. The sheriff also was specifically ordered to not release Sutherland to electronic monitoring.

The 40-year-old actor will officially be sentenced Dec. 21, when he must begin serving the 18 days in the county jail. It also is the same day his show begins its winter production break.

Sutherland then will have until July 1, 2008, to serve the remaining 30 days in jail. He will be on probation for five years and faces fines and a driving suspension, according to court documents.

The actor’s plea arrangement ensures that production of “24” will not be interrupted, Fox officials said in a statement.

“Kiefer made clear to us at the time of his arrest that his first concern was the welfare of those he worked with and that he intended to do whatever was necessary to prevent shutting down the show because of his situation,” the statement said.

“He told us that even if he had to sacrifice more time in custody in order to protect the show and the jobs of those who work with him, he would do so. From what occurred today, it is evident he is a man of his word,” it said.

Okay, it’s nice of him to not want the crew guys on 24 to lose their jobs, but what about the countless lives he puts at risk every time he drives drunk?


5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Had this happened in the city I live in, he’d lose his license indefinitely and spend at least a year in jail, if not more.

  • hey
    i just want to say that we all have messed up one way or the other in life and did something stupit. so i think it’s time to lay off kiefer sutherland. drinking and driving. he had two dui’s. but everytime i look online that is all the press talk about. if he was just a guy off the streets. the press would not even bother with it. but because he is a celebrity it is all the press write about. try to look up the good thing’s that he has done. i think you will see he is a good preson to. and likes to help other people out to.