In real life, Lindsay Lohan did not rescue 40 child workers. It must have been a drug-induced hallucination or whatever, but as it stands, she might be banned from India. You go, girl. [Celebslam]
Whitney Houston looks much better … when she’s airbrushed. [popbytes]
Rachel McAdams to star in The Orphanage reboot? [Pajiba]
Tom Cruise wants a son to pass along his poisoned gene pool. [Celebitchy]
Reese Witherspoon hooking up with a guy and without checking out a Wiki, I don’t even know who he is. [Amy Grindhouse]
Coco loves “boobies”, likes taking home other women to please Ice-T. [cityrag]
Jesse James’ newest garden tool is bummed that she only received $30k for her side of the story. [Pop on the Pop]
Joslyn James is still ridick, still trying to gain another iota of fame. [Zelda Lily]