Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ke$ha Is Kicking Some SERIOUS A$$

The ingenue leads Billboard’s Hot 100 singles chart for a second week with “TiK ToK” while setting the record for most single-week downloads by a female artist (610,000). Did I call it or what?

Her full debut album drops January 5, although it leaked online last week. I’ve heard the whole thing at this point (legal note: I’M TOTALLY KIDDING) and I summed it up this way on my Twitter:

Loving the leaked Ke$ha album because I am forever a 12-year-old girl who can’t wait to grow up and be a drunk slut at the bars.

And it’s soooo true. Like, I’m so over being a drunken party girl on the LA club scene; I’d never want to go back to it. I guess, at times, it was fun while it lasted, but I’d never want to return to that lifestyle. But the album — with hardly any swearing and words like “dick” barely audible when they’re used — is clearly being marketed to a pre-teen and teenage crowd, the girls who want to hear about how cool it is to be a drunk slut at the bars. Who want to dream about the day when they can be that girl. And that aspect of it spoke to that part of my past. I dunno. It was just a really fun album. Additional props go to her for writing an album where the woman is actively and openly pursuing casual, dirty, don’t-even-fucking-talk-to-me sexual encounters. I expect it’ll sell quite well, and we’ll have another little pop phenom on our hands. Fun!!!

Above find (no joke), Ke$ha and her family featured on an episode of The Simple Life. Below find my two favorite songs off the upcoming album, “Stephen” and “Take It Off.”

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • This song is a guilty pleasure of mine too and I was excited to see it featured on this site . . . the first time.

    Now I’m curious if this blog is getting some kind of Ke$ha kickbacks with three posts about this song in a week . . .

    • You’re a douche. How the fuck could a blog get kickbacks from an artist who’s probably not even getting kickbacks of her OWN yet. Moron.

    • plus tik tok isn’t posted here, and the second ke$ha post was deleted, i believe it was just an error that it was posted twice. chill out, paranoid mcgee

  • ya know… She said she sang ‘backup’ *eyeroll* on Paris Hilton’s album, and now you’re telling me she was on The Simple Life. Has anyone seen her from the back? Is Parisite Hilton’s hand up her ass ?

  • Have you seen her sexy photos on She is really hot with Bikini. And I wonder who is the overweight man besides her. They look very happy and lovely.

  • I can’t listen to any more songs with autotune. It sounds terrible and overproduced and is used in practically every new pop, rap and R&B song. I hope this trend dies. Can no one just sing anymore?

  • New posts.. please! Back at work after holidays and need some excitement.. Make it up if you have to! :)

  • I can’t decide if this post is a joke or not.

    Pre-teens (!) want to hear about how cool it is to be a drunk slut at a bar? And this is a good thing? Furthermore, it is a good thing for pre-teens to listen to music where the woman is actively and openly pursuing casual, dirty, don’t-even-fucking-talk-to-me sexual encounters?

    I am no prude, and it seems sick to celebrate marketing music like this to children who haven’t even gotten their periods.

    • Seriously. I hope my little sister buys her album because of course my whole family is eagerly waiting the day she becomes a drunk party slut. I don’t give a crap what Ke$ha sings about, but it’s pretty disgusting that it’s being marketed towards young adolescents. Like, seriously, didn’t we all have enough problems to deal with in jr. high ?

      • Well I find the fact that my 10 year old niece sings about cleaning her teeth “with a bottle of Jack” disturbing. I know that she has no idea what it really means (to her, it’s just a word that rhymes with the next line ending in ‘back’, not Jack Daniels), but I do and I don’t want music like this marketed to preteens.

  • I like her. I’m 17, and honestly, when I listen to her music, it doesn’t make me want to be a drunk-bitch at a club, nor do I want to purse “casual, dirty, don’t-even-fucking-talk-to-me sexual encounters.” I think people need to chill a little bit.

    This is the kind of music I’d enjoy with my friends, just dancing along and having fun. It’s a fun record. I’d buy it.

  • “How would you like this house?” This is something you accounted for:::When she did the new kitchen and replaced the electric stove with gas they installed the gas in a preditory location::::The pipe runs RIGHT NEXT to the furnace, setting up a community bonfire down the road.
    Wherever she is make her pay a little more today for this decision.