Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus Was Like, So Totally Excited to Like, Meet The Queen And Stuff

Miley Cyrus’ tour has taken her to Europe and she’s been doing her press rounds there, especially to promote her performance with the Royal Variety Show. When asked how she felt about performing for the Queen, Miley said, “Yeah. I’m totally excited. I think it’s going to be like, very awesome. It’s something that’s like very… it’s like a very historical event, so I think it’s kind of cool when you look at all the artists who have done it throughout the years. I think it’s really great.”

Who the hell is coaching this girl? This is making me long for the days of Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan (pre-drugs, of course) where they’d just sit there like happy little Disney robots and you’d think to yourself after watching them, “Look at that polite, pretty child. They’ve done a nice job with her.”

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She is such a dumb fuck. She’s too old to be speaking like that. Can’t wait until she goes crazy Britney Spears style.

  • Okay, do I dare open Pandor’s Box and discuss her mannerism, or lack there of. She desperately needs coaching in how to sit like a lady, speak like a young woman whose been educated, and chew like a person who has some class. Never liked her, never will. She is NOT a positive role model and tries too hard to be sexy at her tender age.

  • Haha, I really like Miley Cyrus. I find her fascinating to watch – she has some pair of (metaphorical…) balls, thats for sure.

    Love reading stories about her too, so much more interesting than people like TomKat etc!

  • am I the only one who thinks that it’s hilarious that she is performing ‘Party in the USA’ for the Queen of England? I mean they have the American flag just flowing in the background of the video lmao

  • I just love seeing her perform teenage pop songs and acting on stage like she’s some hard core rock star! I was very surprized to see her do the hair shake at some event I can’t remember where she was wearing an evening gown and her hair WAS UP!! I dunno… maybe I’m just getting old, but she just looks so off with the music she sings!

  • I feel bad for the reporter who has to sit there, smiling and nodding her way through that like she agrees and thinks Miley’s the most interesting person in the world.

    If it were me I probably would have started laughing and walked out on that joke of a “pop star”.