Today's Evil Beet Gossip

So, What’cha Doin’ For The Next 219 or so Days?

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As Molls told you, it was quite the weekend for New Moon.  Experts were predicting that it would take in close to $100M so when the snoozefest newest installment in the Twilight franchise pulled $140M it was quite a shock.  It’s the third largest weekend opening, following Dark Knight (1st) and Spider Man 3.  An impressive showing.  Did you see it?  How was it?  Most of what I’ve read online said that New Moon was really boring, but my Twihard friends all seem to have loved it.

I talked a lot of trash about Twilight, so I figured I should actually see the movie.  I did last week and when I was finished I spent the entire time I walked down my driveway as I brought my Netflix back to the mailbox, muttering “That’s it?  That’s what all this hysteria is about?”  I am so confused.  I am more flummoxed than ever about what is causing this hype.  It seems like Kristen Stewart only attended acting class on the day they read the chapter “How to be Insolent.”  There is no emoting with that girl.

Now that the Moon opening weekend is over with, the public can lather themselves into a frenzy over the next in the series.  Eclipse is scheduled to hit theaters June 30th, 2010, which gives us approximately seven months and seven days to obsess, fixate and ruminate on.  I saw a real shift to team Jacob after New Moon.  Could 2010 be Year of the Werewolf?  Whether it is or isn’t, we’ll be talking about it ad nauseam, I’m sure.

25 CommentsLeave a comment

      • honestly, I’m 23, female, and sane- I used to make fun of the twihards but I got hooked last spring. I must say, the movies are not necessarily oscar worthy, but we love the movies and the actors and the process because we LOVE the books. anything the saga touches turns to gold, in our eyes anyway :) so give us a break, and Wendie, my fav EB writer, I challenge you to read the books and see the roots of all of the movie/media hype- it’s on the pages, it always has been :)

        born again twihard! tee hee!

      • withthewind, you said it all. People who see the movies without reading the books aren’t GOING to like it, because it’s the books where all the plot/good stuff is at!! The movies are more like..enhancements, to the books. I don’t know. Maybe it’s me. I just don’t believe in watching a movie without having read the book.

      • that is such a snobby thing to say. I used to think like that, but shit if I practiced that i would NEVER have time to see a good movie. its better to just pretend you read it wayyy before the movies were even considered., trust me, no one will care to question you.

      • i didn’t mean to sound snobby; i love movies a lot! i just lovelovelove to read, so i like to read the books before i watch the movie, to see what the true plot is (like without editing and adding action, etc) and some movies are really awesome (like hp) i guess i just dont see myself likign the twilight movies without reading the books.

  • It was boring… the one exciting scene was with the wolves and that lasted about a minute. After that it was extremely boring.

  • I saw it this weekend, and I spend 95% of the movie saying “is this really happening to me? i can’t handle this.” because it was that awful.

    • i’ve read the books. and i feel that they aren’t worth the hype, hysteria, or attention they receive either. personally twilight in general is my definition of overrated.

      • I’ve read them, too and I really don’t get it. There are better written love stories out there if that is what the Twihards are seeing in it. I remember hating almost every character. And not in a good way.

  • I’m a Twihard and it’s ALL about the books. The movies don’t do the books justice. However we are in love with the story & the characters so much that it’s thrilling to have these books acted out. I find the movies are like different branch of the books for me personally. BTW I’m 36, so it’s just not a teen thing.

  • ok i will admit that I have read all the books and tomorrow I will be heading to my second showing of new moon but I in no way consider myself a twihard. I was wayyy more into Harry Potter lol… anyways… new moon was my favorite one (many people hate it for there not being ‘enough’ edward…) but I found this one to be extremely emotional. I think the movie did a pretty good way of showing her depression. I honestly feel so shitty when I am reading that book lol… it seems stupid to want to read/watch something depressing, but in this sense stephanie Meyer sort of redeems herself.

    WTF am I talking about? lol.. Wendie- go see the movie.. (maybe?)
    I loved the music from it, plus the whole ‘shirtless werewolve’ thing was awesome.

  • I am int he camp that both the movies and the books are way overrated, but I see the movies purely to add awesome quotes to my arsenal, like the amazing “Age is just a number, baby” hahahaha too good :) Plus everyone needs a good laugh. Who knew it was the best new comedy of the year?

    And I just don’t get the whole argument that we love the movies because we love seeing the books come to life. If I love a great book like Wuthering Heights, or even HP if we wanna talk crazy fans, I am upset if the book isn’t portrayed well, or if the characters are miscast or if it done horribly. I want a movie to represent it WELL not just take the story and make a half-assed movie from it. Like HP6 was one of my favorite books of the series but I think the movie was not a good representation of the story. I think they cut out very important scenes and added unnecessary bits I could have done without. Luckily I think the acting/casting is pretty decent and the movies themselves are quite beautiful. Twilight, not so much, sorry.

  • you know what? the movie was quite ok, i actually hated the first one, but this one wasnt that bad. and it was better because of that werewolf kid, cuz the edward boy could NOT be more boring…. what’s the point of having so many amazing powers and do nothing with them!!! besides (and i know you are going to hate me) he’s so not good looking.

    and something else, i understand people want to see the shirtless kid but the way he was showed like that was actually making me pee my pants in the theater, like he was shirtless all the time without a good excuse!

    and finally i totally hated the fact that in the end, #1 she choose the gross vampire and #2 he asked her to marry him, it made me vomit so please for the people who already read the books tell me they dont marry!!!!!!!!

    • I haven’t read the books but I heard that she does get together with Jacob for some period of time and that she does become a vampire. I assume she ends up with Edward since that’s what everyone seems to want, don’t know why either it would be the most depressing household EVER. Not sure if any of that is right though.

  • the movies suck, i was in awe of the (few) new moon goers that had not read the books and were actually buying tickets based on the low budget twilight movie.

    the books are no jane austen but the story is really fun and sucks you in. so yeah, don’t be stupid and base the mania you see around you on the movies. By and large the fans are in love with the books and excited about seeing some of it on screen, even if it fails to be the quality it should have been.

    it’s too bad that the great story though not brilliant in it’s dialogue was done so poorly on film. it really could have been amazing.

  • “you have to read the books” i spent 15 fucking euro on twilight because it was the only book in English in the Barajas airport and it was seriously the dumbest piece of shit. I could have written that with my ass in the bathroom. I understand the whole girls loving love stories and what have you but COME ON. He creeps into her room and watches her sleep? This is what you find romantic? It wasn’t well written and if that’s what you call “intrigue” then I feel sorry for you. I’m a pretty avid reader and nearly every book I’ve ever read is better than Twilight. Even Pony Pals.

  • Like most everyone else said, read the books. They are not great literature by any means but they are a great guilty pleasure and a quick read. I always think books are so much better than the movies. Im probably going to get ripped by Twihards but these books don’t even compare to Harry Potter and anyone that thinks they do compare, needs to get their head checked out.

    • i agree with casey, except i don’t know anything about hp. twilight is the equivalent of watching soaps, only for some reason we feel okay with admitting we like twilight. it reflects who wrote it for sure, a repressed housewife. imo. obviously they were well written enough to get published, but i think they were published in spite of, rather than because of that. really meyer manages to capture emotions we can relate to feeling back when we were in hs, or maybe when we were effed up in our 20s haha. these aren’t cannonical books here- then again- dickens used to be serials in magazines during his time….who the heck knows? kstew is a fantastic actress who relies on subtlety rather than overacting. i love her in all of her movies. rpatz is going to be great. lautner is nice but doesn’t have chops. but for twilight, who cares? its fun. if you don’t get it, don’t feel bad. just read/watch something else.