Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sunday Rose’s Monday



Ooooh, we NEVER get to see this little girl! I actually don’t think I had any idea what she looked like until now. Nicole Kidman’s only third child, Sunday Rose, spent Monday in NYC with her mommy and daddy, Keith Urban. I love her little outfit!! So cute!!!

3 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I wish someone would explain the relationship between her and her older children. I wonder if the estrangement has anything to do with alientology. So sad and bizarre.

    • Personally I believe that TomAss is so controlling that he has severe restrictions on Nicoles relationship with her older children. I also think that it may have been in the final divorce proceedings. These kids are probably so deep in Scientology that they brainwashed and Tom is the controller. It is sad, but we will never know.

  • Sunday Rose is beautiful and personally, Nicole made an upgrade in marrying Keith. He’s delightful, down-to-earth, ubber-talented and loves her. I’m happy for her!