Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Breaking News! Jon Gosselin Isn’t a Douche, Just Misunderstood!

Jon Gosselin

It was just last week that Hailey Glassman admitted to the world (via The Insider, natch) that her boyfriend, Jon Gosselin, was sometimes emotionally abusive.  Yeah, you think that’s a bombshell?  Catch this:  Sometimes, Jon has trouble telling the truth.  I know, I know … you think you know someone.

Needless to say, Jon responded in the only logical manner.  Yep, he spent his weekend doing an apology tour — a PR agent’s wet dream.  He’s been speaking out with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach at his side — he’s the dude that Oprah loves –and admitting that he may have been misguided on some of his life choices.  Last night they were at the West Side Jewish Center and today I saw them on one of those morning talk shows, but I couldn’t stick around and watch because I had to race to my laptop and report the most important detail of all:  the diamond stud earrings are gone!  No skulls and roses and no bling in the lobes.  Who is this changed man?

At last night’s appearance, Jon explained that people just don’t understand him.  “I think I’m just misunderstood. I’m not a fame seeker. Everyday I look in the mirror and I wonder [why I’m famous]. I don’t sing. I don’t dance. I’m not a Nobel Peace Prizewinner. I just had eight kids and I had a show on TLC.  behavior.  Half the stuff I’ve done, if I look at my moral compass, I shouldn’t have done.  I know that but I did it anyway. It’s like fame canceled out conviction.”  I guess I do have something in common with Jon — I don’t understand why he’s famous either.

Like all public apologies, this feels calculated.  I’m pretty sure that he and Hailey are over, though he claims that they are just slowing their pace.  “We decided not to take a break, just slow things down, until I get through my divorce and I know everything is settled and okay. I don’t want another failure in my relationships. I don’t want to make the same mistakes I made with Kate, with Hailey. I would just be repeating the pattern over again.”

Speaking of repeating patterns, Jon stated that he’ll be privately apologizing to Kate and then immediately followed up that promise by making a public apology:

“I want to apologize to Kate in private,” he said. “I’ll apologize to her for openly having relationships in the public eye. That was a huge mistake, because if she would’ve done that to me, I would have been extremely pissed off. Not because our relationship is over, it’s almost like a stab in the back. And now that I think about it, it was a very wrong thing to do. I definitely regret it.”

Referring to himself and girlfriend Hailey Glassman, he said the two of them “should never have gone to France.”

Gosselin claims he is well aware of the public’s perception of him but insists he is his own harshest critic. “It’s hard for me because I can’t forgive myself for the things I’ve done,” he said. “So to ask for forgiveness from someone who may never forgive me is tough for me. I do apologize to Kate. I’m sorry for doing the things I did. I do ask for her forgiveness.”

To recap, Jon’s misunderstood, he’s still with Hailey even though she claims that he’s a liar, and he’s publicly announced that he’s going to privately apologize to Kate for all his wrongdoings.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You know….I just wish these two would do ANYTHING in private!!! Kate has a 1 hour special tonight on TLC where she divulges again into how miserable she is and how she can’t sleep at night. Along with Jon’s public counceling tour….it is just a freak show of sorts! Also, everyone that came to Jon’s public counceling had to pay 20 bucks to watch. Everything with these people do is about FAME AND MONEY. The biggest problem that neither of them are talking about is how to shut the fuck up and actually start taking care of their own children!! I just can’t imagine how those kids must feel to constantly see their retarded parents on TV going on and on about how they fucked up. They both need to shut their traps, get off the cameras, and get real jobs. Basically start living in REALITY. Oh, and on the Today show this morning, the woman that interviewed Kate for the special says that the kids are now showing signs of stress and introversion…hmmm…wonder why? Poor things….

  • Douchebag Gosselin needs to acknowledge PUBLICLY and PRIVATELY and TO HIMSELF, that what he did was ADULTERY. The slimiest move of all in my opinion is that in response to being caught CHEATING on his wife, he BLAMED HER, LIED that she knew, LIED that Kate was having a similar affair, smeared her when she was innocent in the whole affair thing, in order to cover up his wrongdoings. He needs to Admit, he cheated on her, and take total responsibilty for his actions.

  • I look forward to the day when we all think “oh yeah the Gosslin’s… they were so 2009. I hope the kids are doing well now. What are they? College age? We haven’t heard anything about that family in forever.” I wonder how I can Fast forward to that moment? Voluntary coma perhaps….

  • I have tried to stay away from all stories about these two morons, but today I read an article from DB Gosselin, only because it was about their children and it contained this quote:

    “It’s hard for a man to stay home for two years and change diapers and make meals and deal with doctor’s appointments and all the stuff that you expect your wife to do.”


    I was suprised Beet didn’t mention this, this seems like something she would be all over, maybe she did and I just missed it. I thought I would share it so the hatred towards him could be further propelled. :)

      • Unfortunately, most husbands have to fight to get ‘laid’ anyway, no matter how many shitty diapers they voluntarily changed. They’d be better off not getting married and hiring a hooker from the get go.

  • Please stop reporting on this douchebag and his douchebag wife. The only reason they’re still relevant is because EVERY gossip site reports on them! If you want them to go away, THEN STOP!!!

  • Misunderstood? hahahaha!

    The man is just as narcissist as his future ex-wife. Nothing is their fault. Everyone else is wrong. They never did anything but to provided for their child army.

    And they both think, the other did them wrong.

    Then every time they open their mouths moaning to the media, their kids get to go back to school in the morning to their own peers staring at them.

    Whom we all know will forever taunt them.

    I am curious about who is actually raising the children. With both parents out on their individual press tours, who is actually at home feeding their money makers?

  • This idiot should only be allowed supervised visits with his kids. And not spend his “kid time” out talking to the papparazzi in his driveway and smoking cigarettes and talking to his latest slut on the phone. He is the poorest excuse for a father I have ever seen. His time with his kids needs to be monitored, so he isn’t smoking pot and drinking and screwing babysitters in the hot tub while his kids are home. He acts like an immature freshman in high school whose mommy went away and left him alone for a weekend. The kids do not need that kind of role model. He needs supervision while around those kids.