It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from our favorite exploitative rapist around these parts. Joe Francis is still in jail but back in the press, this time speaking out against Hugh Hefner for failing to support him while he’s in a Reno, Nevada jail for using underage girls in a sexual performance.
“Hugh Hefner was arrested in 1963 for a similar offense and pursued by law enforcement for decades. It’s sad how quickly he forgets,” said Francis in an interview from the slammer. “What I am going through now is exactly what Hugh Hefner went though, and what Larry Flynt went through, and I will prevail, because I’ve done nothing wrong.”
In an interview on Larry King Live in May, Hefner was asked what he thought about Francis and his predicament. “I’m not a fan,” he said, “because I think it’s [exploitative], and I don’t think he’s a very nice guy . . . I don’t see any parallels [between Francis’ work and Playboy]. . . What sets the magazine apart is it really is a lifestyle publication, you know, with good fiction and good articles . . . It doesn’t have much to do with what he’s doing.”
Francis faces up to 40 years in prison if he’s convicted on four felony charges. While Playboy has been accused of using underage girls in sexual performance, Joe Francis took it a few steps further. First, he was sentenced to contempt of court by a Florida judge after launching into a two-minute profanity-laced diatribe during his mediations with the accusers, and he revoked an agreed-upon settlement (Playboy settled out of court with their accusers). He then attempted to bribe a guard for a bottle of water in jail, and was subsequently found to have smuggled drugs into his cell. So his case is a little different than Hef’s, and I hope he serves all forty of those years.
Poor Joe Francis! He can’t see the difference between himself and Hugh Hefner! This is sad on so many levels…but he’s never gonna get it. How about this: Hugh is an icon who built his empire on exemplary writing and WOMEN who signed releases. You are a whiney bitch in jail with no talent who exploit ONLY drunken teenage girls on Spring Break. Oh yeah, then you rape them. Crying in your prison photo is not a good look. Man up.
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Playboy has never made their women do anything sexual. They have always only been nude and in most cases in a tasteful way. Even in their videos.