This is a clip of Paris Hilton’s guest appearance on Supernatural Thursday night. I didn’t watch the show, but I did hear that she is playing “a demon who feeds on the disorienting power of celebrity.” So, ya know, she’s playing herself, and yet somehow the performance is stilted and awkward anyway.
Yummy Sam&Dean pretty much overshadow her offensive acting
She needs to stick with porn. It’s the only time she is convincing.
Ha ha haa!!! “You can’t eat me.” Classic. Team Dean all the way!
Man, and I was really starting to like her, she has been dating that cute boy, dressing nicely… not constantly hugging on small animals. Almost normal..
the BEST part is when dean says “i’ve never even seen house of wax” and sam looks over because jared padelecki was in that movieeee hahahah.
i actually thght she did a good job….there’s far more terrible “actors” out there
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