Today's Evil Beet Gossip

POLL: Which Background Do You Want for Evil Beet?

There seems to be some difference of opinion on which background we should use moving forward.

The old one, with the faces of all the celebs, was popular, but it made for slow load times for people with slower connections (and on mobile viewers). The new one is definitely less interesting, but it loads a lot faster. Or maybe some of you like the solid color background, but you don’t like the pink. So we’re putting it to a vote. Let us know what you think.


Update: If you are still having trouble viewing the new layout, hit Ctrl+F5 (if you’re on a PC) or Apple+R (if you’re on a Mac). This will force a refresh in your browser and should resolve the problem.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • all i see is a collage and the purple still. only it’s crooked.
    what are the other options again? :)

  • Everything looks awesome here. Should run a contest for someone to actually get that tat somewhere. They do it for casino sites… not that I know if it really helps them or not… but it would be interesting for us to read about :-)

  • I dont really care about the background, all I know is that everything is off center, its all shifted to the left a bitm and I can hardly read the stuff that is posted. It was like this earlier too.

  • I miss the Evil Beet “scowl”. I don’t care if you put it on a manatees’ butt. Dance with who brung ya.