Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Did You See The Whitney Houston Interview on Oprah?

If you are ever sitting around wondering, “Does Wendie love me?” the answer is a resounding “Yes!”  And, just how much do I love you?  Uh … I watched Oprah today.  For you.  In other words, a lot.

I guess today was the season premiere of Oprah.  What made me throw away the last shred of my sanity was that today was the first of a two-part interview with the incomparable Whitney Houston.  She talked about Bobby Brown — she said he wasn’t abusive other than the time he slapped her and spit on her; it sounds like she was pretty abusive too — and their drug use.  For about seven years — it started around the time of The Bodyguard — they spent their time smoking pot laced with cocaine.  I didn’t even know this was possible, but she gave pretty good instructions on how to do it.  She went to rehab (twice).

The one thing that struck me about the entire interview is how many times she’d refer to Bobby — like, “Oh, he won’t like me saying this,” or “This will make him mad.”  W needs to stop factoring Bobby’s feelings into her choices.

Part two is tomorrow and I’m going to suffer through that too, mostly because I want to know where their daughter was while they were doing all these drugs.

When Houston sang on Good Morning America last week, she blamed her hoarse voice on Oprah.  To be honest though, Whitney’s voice was raspy throughout the entire interview.  I hope too many years of coke joints didn’t ruin her voice for good.

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  • Her voice will never be what it was. Probably mostly due to drug abuse, but also it would have deepened with age anyway. But if she hadn’t smoked for decades, she still would have had a strong, clear voice.

  • It’s totally possible to lace pot with Coke. A friend of my ex did this once when I was a teenager. Horrible, awful stuff.

  • Whenever I see her or hear her name, I remember a clip I saw of their annoying reality show, where she was pushing her daughter out of their bedroom and locking the door so they could have sex. It made me want to smack the shit out of her.

  • I watched the Whitney interview and I think Oprah handled it with class and dignity. Whitney is clearly still suffering the abuse that is Bobby and it has forever changed her. She is a victim and still she denies that he abused her physically just hit her across the cheek and spit right in her face. She is in clear denial. She was honest when she said she was addicted and her drug of choice was Bobby. Her voice is ravaged from the marijuana joints laced with cocaine and her body and legs were constantly jittery as she moved in her seat a lot. I give her kuddos for finally leaving Bobby and going to rehab but she is a different woman now. She is clearly damaged goods and I cried when I seen the previews of part 2’s show tomorrow where she makes her come-back appearance and sings. Oprah’s eyes are welled up with tears as would anyone’s who is watching. Very tragic circumstances of such a gifted woman. Truly sad.

  • C’mon people! Let’s give the woman a chance. She has gone to Rehab twice and has split up with that bastard, Bobby Brown, and she is trying to improve her life and make a comeback. Even if her voice is half of what it was it will still be better than most of the younger female “singers” out there. She is certainly not the only person in country who has gotten hooked on drugs or experienced domestic violence. Let’s wait and see what happens next, shall we?