Today's Evil Beet Gossip

No One Wanted to Let Me Know That Mischa Barton Was on The View Today?

Mischa was on The View today and I missed it.  I was home, downloading pictures of Posh Spice and avoiding 9/11 coverage because it still makes me cry, when I could have been watching Mischa instead.  This is so devastating.  She gave up all the details on getting committed under an involuntary 5150 a couple months ago.  You know, in print she’s already talked about her wisdom teeth and how having them removed led to her being committed into a mental health facility, but on The View she was really, really going in circles.  Joy Behar even kind of questioned her on it.  At least, that’s what I hear.  I didn’t get to see it myself.  Because no one told me she was going to be on.

Let’s see if we can piece together what really happened based on her quotes during today’s interview:

  • “I mean, really, it was blown out of proportion, so it’s kind of silly now to be talking about it because I’m so fine now, but it was really just a bad time for me.”


  • “It was sort of one of those things that was like a perfect storm. Everything happened at once.” 


  • “Right, I mean, it was just … I was overwhelmed.  I had too much work going on. I had a surgery for my wisdom teeth that went really badly. I had been in the hospital. I had two surgeries on my wisdom teeth. I had four taken out and they had gotten it really badly wrong. They had to drill into my jaw and I was just in really excruciating pain.” 


  • “I had an infection and a dry socket and I woke up on a Sunday morning and there was no doctor available. I was trying to take the minimum amount of painkillers and get through it because I had to go to work soon and I was getting ready to go do this show, The Beautiful Life, and meanwhile I still had a schedule to travel. 


  • “I was going to Europe. I was going to London. I had things to do and I was prepping to do photo shoots and I was just overwhelmed. I had so much work to do and the surgery had gone so badly for me. And I think that I was just starting to feel completely overwhelmed. It was just too much to have this surgery go so wrong.” 

(In response to Joy Behar wanting to know why she received psychiatric care for a medical issue:)

  •  “When they take you into the hospital for something when it goes really wrong if you’re having a meltdown and you say something like ‘I feel like I want to die’ … they start injecting you with things to calm down. Like I’m petrified of needles. Like absolutely petrified … you can’t come anywhere … I had my blood drawn once in my life for my insurance.  I just figure that if you hit rock bottom like that … and you’re around people, you know, you realize I’m nothing like these people.” 

Well, as long as Mischa isn’t like those people.  I know dental pain can be pretty excruciating and I am willing to accept her excuse.  Actually, I’m willing to accept her excuse because it puts her back in not-mentally-ill, safe-for-me-to-make-fun-of-her territory.  Rejoice!

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • its funny how terrible addicts lies are, i think that might add to the “im as stupid as paris” sound. In fact i think i start to sound like that when im lying lmao

  • why does her stomach look like that??? she looks pregnant (i’m not saying she might be) … someone needs a little trip to the little girls room!!!

  • > avoiding 9/11 coverage because it still makes me cry

    Drop in the fucking bucket compared to how many civilians your troops murdered in Iraq.

  • I’m still going to believe she went nuts, because I had 4 wisdom teeth taken out, had dry socket and I didn’t end up on a psychiatric hold. Who likes needles, it doesn’t mean you are in a psych ward for nearly a week, and please notice she did not leave after 72 hours either.

    But I applaud the spin control her PR people worked out for her, well done – now people will watch that horrible show, right?

  • All those women on The View with so many years of experience with infections, child birth, injections and whatnot… did they not all heave a collected sigh of “bullllll shiiiiit…..”