Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Insert Mariah Carey Joke Here


Okay, it isn’t Mariah Carey, but here’s host Wendy Williams in all her phosphorescent glory last night at the Daytime Emmys.  And we should probably just get this out of the way right up front — Rachael Ray beat out Ellen Degeneres for best talk show.  Of course, this is the same panel that also saw fit to give Emmys to Tyra Banks and those crows over at The View.  You can see the full list of winners here.

Lately, it seems like all the celebrity news is just depressing and I am getting a little sick and tired of being the Messenger of Death.  So today, we are going to look at pretty and not-so-pretty dresses.  We will scrutinize Dr. Phil’s uneasy demeanor as he stands next to his Playmate daughter-in-law and his retired stripper of a wife.  We will marvel at Bindi Irwin’s cuteness and applaud Tatyana Ali for being part of the one percent of Hollywood women that has her own breasts.  That’s what kind of post day this is going to be.

15 CommentsLeave a comment

    • I know Jay’s wife (the daughter in law) is a playmate, but I’ve never heard anything about Robin being a stripper. I don’t know where that came from.

  • I think I knew that the d-in-l was a playmate & I think she’s a triplet too, but not positive. I didn’t know Robin was a stripper either? Is that really true? And Jay does look much thicker than I remember.
    Wendy W looks ridiculous from the neck up but I do like her dress.
    And of coarse Portia & Ellen look as cute as ever.

  • You get points for posting a pic of Patrick Duffy even though he looks old. I was a huge “Dallas” fan in the 80s and thought Bobby was da bomb. :)

  • The thing that always sticks out to me is Dr. Phil’s wife has serious crazy eyes. And not in a good way. But I think the stripper comment is about her constantly having her boobs out on display. But then again she bought them and wants everyone to know it! hahaha!

    For a woman (Robin) who loves to talk it up on the religious channel about her close relationship to God… she tends to dress like a stripper when in public with her husband.

    Robin is actually somewhat modestly dress here… but she needs to stop with the botox. Her non-moving face just accents how crazy her eyes are…

  • Love Wendy Williams, can not stand Dr.Phil, the sight of him makes me ill. Phil & his wife. Fuc-ing leeches, they make their money off other peoples misery & seem to revel in it. he’s gross. Tyra is a total egomaniac & Rachael Ray beating out ANYONE shows where the voting acadamy’s mentality has gone. TO SHIT… Ellen & Portia :-) So cute.