Finally! Someone said it to their faces!
With a reunion imminent (and seemingly inevitable), the Spice Girls’ manager, Simon Fuller (yes, the guy who produces American Idol), has laid down a list of rules for the girls. The Sun got their hands on it. Among the list of do’s and don’ts: “Do not become pregnant – please!”
Seriously! Five of you is enough. The remainder of the rules are vaguely reminiscent of a “Class Rules” poster my third grade teacher tacked to the wall, with violations resulting in one’s absence from recess.
Do not get into spats between yourselves over plans and decisions – is it worth it?
Respect each other’s personal lives and commitments.
Respect each other’s views.
Do not talk about money that you will potentially earn from the reunion.
Talk about memories of the Spice Girls with affection and pride.
Raise any queries with Nicki (Chapman) and myself at the scheduled meeting.
Do not confirm or deny any rumours until everything is in place.
Do not worry about schedules and time — this will all be arranged with everyone in mind.
So basically, like, you’re all in your 30s now. If you could not spoil a multi-million-dollar deal by squabbling like pre-teens, that would be awesome, mmkay?
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The spice girls were candy girls playing candy music, great for the time!
Check out blonde jokes for funny times.
you people who ever did this should not say anything about the spice girls if they want a band well then let them do what ever they want. You should not be making things things like this websit.
Man I want to fuck all of them at once.
thats so innapropriate
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… *wipes tears from eyes* inappropriate… ohhhh, funny funny funny
who are you guys ??
like i have no i dea who you guys are at all,
my e-mail is if you would’nt mind telling a lil bout you
The spice girls are girls, who despite their good singing are quite presumdas and I must admit that they sing well, but their dress is not that it is very good ….
I do not like either his way to be … They like to be very “I am here … Van half chest out, are bright colors … I do not like …
The spice girls are girls, who despite their good singing are quite alleged and I must admit that they sing well, but their dress is not that it is very good ….
I do not like either his way to be … They like to be very “I am here … Van half chest out, are bright colors … I do not like …
Those 9 responses to the article -“Spice Girls Urged Not to Reproduce”
WTF? I can’t make any sense of any of them. Clearly not one of them has a brain in thier head.
que wapas son
okay, those responses make no sense at all. But to the article, say what you want about the Spice Girls, but they kicked ass at their concert. Yes, I was a hardcore fan when I was young, and just going to the concert brought back so many memories + being able to go with my old best friends made the $100 WAY worth it. Bottom line, that concert was probably the best concert I’ve ever been to, and they put on a hell of a show.
la ispice girls la el crupo mas guay
I love *spice girls*!!!!!
I am from Brazil!!!!
bye bye…. Goodbye my friends!!!!!! =)
I lOvE ****SpIcE gIrLs****
I have always been a big fan of the spice girls and I am so happy they got back together. I only wish, they still looked the way they use to.
hello, I fuck all in this room .
i know them but wich is wich….hahahaha
yo wat up yall who else wants 2 have sex wit them
i no can’t stand the spice girls she is bichs!!i am spain (por eso hay faltas de hortografia joderos)
Hi my name is Danielle mills, I come from Huyton in merseyside. I am from liverpool. as you know i am a scouser myself. I used to like the spice girls myself. but how did you feel when you were spilting up from the band. But how did you feel by the rest of the spice girls. but how did you feel leaving the girls behind. by the way you did. by walking out on them. was pretty enough as bad as you must feel bad know. by walking out on them as well. i did like Geri back then in 1997, but know i dont. as you know people change. people change themselfs for them to look better for papers. I think your digusting love. you make me sick actually. cant you move away from the spice girls and let them get on with their rest of their lives. let them carry on with the band on their own. i know they can get on by themselfs on their own their
your all very awesome and i think you should keep going your music is still as good as it was before you broke up.
I luv the spice girl. They r so awesome ever since i saw a little girl the song dat i like the most iz ”wannnabe”.
I think Simon wrote the ‘do not fall pregnant’ rule in jest, and Danielle, I can identify with that!
Despite that, however, I loved Raining Men at the concert.
And you are not alone when you write ‘you make me sick’. I heard ‘Lift Me Up’ last Saturday morning, and felt nauseous. Not an exaggeration.
i get how the logo girl is in underwear but i don’t get the beet does it mean she got her period because beets make your pee red
hi! i am emirjeta yourbest wishes
Hello, your website is very informative and useful,
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ive always been a spice girl fan…… ever! victoria dosnt smile coz thats the way she is and i think thats cool! they have diffrent personalities and they come well package. i love collecting pics that show the complete group. its not fun to see only four or three girls in a pic.
can any one send me an amature pic that shows all the dolls?
ive been searching the net for quite sometime now but i think i got all the pics scaned. my email add is
hope to recieve any pic from all SPICE FANS out there.
adorovos spice girls
sus cansiones estan re copadas
besoso, bye
Hi every one. Me luv ya comments. It’s really cool. I luv Spice Gurls cus they sing well, have the aptitude for music and knows how to handle stage when it comes into that.
However, I have a mix tape with then if you’re interested in having a copy lemme know about it ok. contact me on
The Mix-tape it’s a remix of “VIVA FOREVER” peace and luv
hi spice girls i plays as geri on stop i wear green sleaves and maong skirt and pink boots i love u love geri my real name is geri
Doesn’t Victoria not smile in photos coz she supposed to be posh… posh people don’t smile, but I guess if that’s write she should be like, scowling or something (is that the right word? scowling?)
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