Today's Evil Beet Gossip



“Girls need to imagine and picture their life with a screaming newborn baby and then think before they have sex. Think about the consequences … If girls realized the consequences of sex, nobody would be having sex. Trust me. Nobody.”

Bristol Palin, discussing teenage motherhood with People magazine.

Got opinions? We’re talking about it over on Zelda Lily.

43 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Nobody would be having sex.
    Except for all those people who know how to properly use birth control.

  • Well I’d rather talk about it here than on Zelda Lilly.

    This is all bullshit. We all know how good sex feels (except for possibly DonkeyPunch). Nobody. Bristol knew that sex could lead to having a baby, but that didn’t stop her.

    I’m curious to know if she’s going to continue having sex. She might have just sacrificed a lot of good times for the opportunity to look like a hypocrite. Good call

    • Yea they’re talking about it at Zelda Lily but only two people have commented. The plusgging of Zelda Lily is kind of getting annoying. I know its your other site but you already let us know its there, and what its about and there is even a thing on the side that tells us what stories are being covered. If i want to read about womens issues ill look at zelda lily (and sometimes i do) but if i come to EB i want to read gossip.

    • > likely caused by her years of drug abuse,

      Hey, your little sister didn’t complain.

  • Does this not further the argument against abstinance only sex education, Mrs. Palin? Someone needed to teach this girl about safe sex a long time ago in order to spare the country such ignorant b.s.

  • And I’m not crapping on ZL, but it’s funny that you said “Got opinions? We’re talking about it over on Zelda Lily.” but then you go there, and only one person has posted there and 3 people have already posted on here.

  • Um…or have sex and use your brain while doing it.

    Oh wait, using her brain is something way to complicated for this girl.

  • When I was a teenager NOTHING could stop me from having sex, nothing!!!!
    50 times a day… not enough!!!! Eeerrrrrr, except for maybe with someone like her!

  • Teenagers make stupid decisions….they always have and always will. Better to give them information about protection and prevention than end up like Bristol.
    Young adults are going to be sexual….it’s chemical in their bodies…hormones. The drive is something that abstinence only thinking completely ignores.
    Protect your children by educating them with useful information that can save them from unwanted pregnancy and desease.

    • Eesh thats what I was thinking. If I ever saw, later in life, that my mom said that I would be pretty hurt.

    • agreed. she’s bein a bitch about her kid. maybe she could say something like i love my son but having a kid is hard. i’ve never heard her say one good thing about him.

    • Exactly.

      Look, I’m pretty conservative, and pro premarital chastity, because no birth control works 100% of the time – even vasectomies have a failure rate (admittedly tiny.) Plus I’ve seen the emotional fall out that comes from too-intense teen relationships, which get way more intense when sex is part of it. So even if we did have 100% birth control I’d still think that emotionally and psychologically and in all kinds of other ways, teenagers shouldn’t be having sex.

      But dude. Your kid’s going to read this some day. You’re basically saying “my life sucks with this kid, and if I’d known, I’d never have had sex.” That’s a pretty brutal thing to say. Even if it’s in a good cause. There are better ways of putting it. Like “I love my son and he’s a blessing, but I know I would be better prepared for motherhood if I were older and in a good marriage.”

      • I think it’s a little harsh to say that she resents having her baby. Maybe she wanted an abortion and her mother wouldn’t let her…that would cause resentment. Still, I don’t doubt that she loves her baby, she’s just saying that being a mother while still a teenager is not a good thing. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that. The poor girl needed a normal family or school system or something to teach her about contraception.

  • Given her statement, it sounds as though she STILL has very little understanding of birth control.

    So we have someone who doesn’t understand the proper use of birth control becoming a spokeswoman for the same form of birth control that failed her. Am I missing something here?

  • i don’t know her motives, but i think she’s right. when i was a teen, i was forced to babysit kids in my family all the time. you want the best birth control, that was it! no matter how cute a dude was i kept my legs CLOSED! i promised myself I’d never take a chance in hell to get pregnant till I was good and ready! fuck condoms. i also promised myself a nanny when the time came. if you know how hard it is to care for kids, really, really know, and aren’t a uncontrolled idiot you’ll do whatever it takes to be careful and not screw up your life even if it means turning down a few moments of feeling good. too bad bristol learned this a bit late.

    • And if you were given a free vacation anywhere in the world, would you fly there, even though there’s a minute chance of the plane crashing? If you use pills and condoms, the risk is excessively negligible. Especially if you use them properly – which shouldn’t be a problem for such a responsible, self-controlled individual.

      • If there were a 1 in 100 chance the plane would crash? For sure I’d refuse the free trip. People don’t understand how high the birth control failure rate is. Even when used properly. Even sterilization, although it remains the safest method.

      • Thank you, thats what I’m saying! And even more so for people like me who’s family is so fertile they could practically get pregnant by a man just standing in the same room!

      • Please.
        I’ve known people who’ve used birth control correcty for upwards of 15 years and never got pregnant. Not once. Birth control pills work INCREDIBLY well if you use them right. And that’s just one option.

        People toss around ‘nothing is 100%’ as if it’s news. It’s not 100% you’ll live through the night either, but your hardly going to spend your life worried about that.

        If you want to have sex HAVE TONS OF SEX. It’s fun, it is good for you, and it is not something to be ashamed about.

        Be safe. Birth control + condom is more then enough to cover you. Unless you are using both incredibly wrong you’re not going to get knocked up.

        If Bristol hated the fruits of her unsafe sex she could have gotten an abortion.
        And if not abortion, adoption.

        Having sex doesnt mean you need to get pregnant,
        Getting pregnant does not mean you need to have the baby.
        Having the baby does not mean you need to keep it.

        There are so many options, listening to her bitch makes me wonder when the wahmbulence is comming to take her whiney ass away.

      • Peachy, you’ve never studied statistics or epidemiology, or read the professional lit on birth control. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’d abort your demon spawn if you got knocked up – the world doesn’t need more people like you. But it’s a disservice to give girls false information. An academic study showed that a women using birth control perfectly for her whole reproduction life (they estimated 16 until menopause, in mid40s) would get pregnant 2.3 times. Lots of people wouldn’t kill their unborn child to solve their problem, and lots of people can’t bring themselves to give up the baby they’ve brought into the world (adoption is great but isn’t right for everyong.) If those people are serious about not getting pregnant, they need not to have sex.

      • I’d take the free vacation, and also jump out the damn plane with a chute, because I’m willing to take those kinds of risks. You choose what you’re willing or unwilling to gamble with in life. Unwanted pregnancy isn’t one of them for me.

  • I’m sorry, but as a 16-years-old I gotta say that this girl is pretty stupid. If you’re prepared to have sex, and you want to have sex with your boyfriend, if it’s ok if you protect yourself. There’s nothing wrong with sex if you’re careful.

    • there is nothing wrong with consenting adults having sex if they’re careful. children, however, should NOT be having sex. i do believe that’s wrong.

      • I was 16 when I started having sex. It did not scar me. It did not hurt me. It did not corrupt me.
        It made my life full of experience and happiness.

        I was with the boyfriend for 2.5 years–we were responsible and used protection and I wouldn’t take back a thing I did.

        Sometimes adults like to forget that 16 isn’t really that young. These people have feelings, thoughts, and they want to expreience sex.

        I hate this puritanical idea that you must be ‘pure’ or sex is something ‘magical’. Sex is fantastic, but the only reason woman have such insane emotional fallout from it is because of societys pressures. Not because of the actual act.

        Because if you think about it, the actual act is simply releasing chemicals in your brain that makes you feel good.

        If that makes something dirty I guess exersize is also not for ‘good girls’.


      • would you have been able to raise a baby at 16? because no matter how careful you are, the chance is always there. i do think 16 is really that young. i am 29 now and when i think back to how incredibly immature and inexperienced i was at 16..i just can’t imagine having had sex at that age. maybe you were more mature than i was, but i really don’t think it’s a good idea because you CAN contract stds and you CAN become pregnant no matter how careful you are. those are serious consequences and i did not want to take that chance.

      • No, it wouldn’t be ok with having a baby at 16, nor at 20, and maybe neither in my first year of marriage! Almost all the failures of birth control are caused by misuse. The majority of my friends(including me) have been using birth control for a long time, and no one has ever had any problem!

        p.s I had friends with STD problems… but it was because there was no condom.

    • oh and if you’re not prepared to deal with the consequences, then you’re not prepared to have sex.

  • Hmm, well coming from a chick that can’t have kids no matter how hard I try naturally, I’d gladly take this lamenting skin bag off your hands, Bristol. All I ask is that I DO NOT have to deal with the grandparents.

    Anyways, kids will be kids. It all boils down to the parents of teenagers taking up their responsibilities to keep their children safe and educated. Yeah, educators are paid to do such things, but there are just some things that a child can’t grasp unless it’s from a person of impact – like a parent, or parental figure.



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  • I’ve seen moms like Bristol ten years down the road. Twenty five, single, 3 or 4 kids, and they’re overwhelmed (understandable), and exhausted. They’ve missed the nurturing boat, and the kids suffer. Or the kids are resented because the mom no longer has the freedom she once had. Bad all around. Abstain, use a condom, just don’t get knocked up. Sex feels great, however 2 am feedings do not.

  • The sex talk with my mother went something like this…I would rather you wait to have sex, when you are emotionally able to deal with it, however…should you choose to ignore me, this is what you need to know. She told me about condoms, the pill, and all the other forms of birth control. After she finished with all of the educational stuff, she looked at me and said, now that you have all this information, don’t you dare come home and tell me that you are gonna make me a grandma. Know what? Never did. Why? Because, she told me what I NEEDED TO KNOW! Parents that just tell there kids not to have sex before marriage, and don’t give them the tools to use (hahaha, tools to use), are sticking their heads in the sand, and then act surprised or disappointed that little Susie is gonna be a mommy. Christ. Kids have sex. Once they do, there will be NO going back. Teach your kids what they need to know.

    As for little Bristol? Lovely. Bitching about your kid? Maybe she should have put the baby up for adoption, so that someone who cannot have a child could get the baby they WANT! Shit happens, and we are products of the choices we make, no matter how old we are. Sorry, but that’s the way it works. Maybe someone should have actually sat you down, looked you in they eye, and made you listen no matter how uncomfortable that moment was. But I am sure they were pretty busy.

  • yes! yes! bristol we get it!

    you hate your baby.
    you hate your baby’s daddy who dumped you.
    you hate your conservative upbringing.
    you hate your conservative mom who didn’t allow you to abort you bastard child.

    we know…we know.

    tough titties, missy!

    the morning after pill is available w/o a prescription to any female.

    so suck it up…we care not for your bitch-whinery. k.

    *sticking my tongue at you…sbppllpbb!*

  • Bristol probably likes having rough sex, because she is a stupid, spoiled whore.

    Stupid, rich, hypocritical cunts like this one ENJOY being smacked in the face and jizzed in the eyes because it’s the only time they can let loose and be teens.

    My point? Exactly.

    P.S. – She’s probably more angry about not getting any sex from guys her age than she is at being a single mom. Bristol, if you’re reading this, I’d still fuck the shit out of you (with a CONDOM).