Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is Nicole Kidman Pregnant?


I almost wrote about the possibility of Nicole Kidman being pregnant a couple of weeks ago, but I thought I might be reading more into a situation than actually existed.  I’ve, um, been know to do that.  However, now my suspicions have been validated.

While looking at pictures of Nik on the wire, I noticed that she’s doing that weird, scapulae-forward pose and that to me just says “knocked up.”   I know there is absolutely no scientific data to my hypothesis but that really applies to all the predictions I make, don’t you think?

Now, she’s dropped out of Woody Allen’s yet-to-be-titled movie that is set to start filming this summer.  If that isn’t code for “gestating,” I don’t know what is.

Here’s hoping Nicole and hubby Keith Urban are expecting another little day of the week to join sister Sunday.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

    • If you mix the two of them, you end up with taylor swift. I swear she looks like their love child, she is tall and fair and beautiful like nik and country like keith.

  • Hey Wendie,

    You may be right: according to dlisted, Nicole just mysteriously pulled out of a Woody Allen film she’d planned to do along with Naomi Watts. She and Naomi are friends, and she’s made no explanation for passing up the role. So, that lines up nicely with your prediction, though it doesn’t necessarily prove it to be true.

    Just thought I’d give some fodder to your clairvoyance . . ..

  • According to my sources, “um…nicole is still drinking coffee with extra extra foam, so i doubt she’s preggers, as she would be neurotic enough to believe caffeine is bad while pregnant. theres my two cents.”

    (In case you hadn’t guessed, my “source” is a friend who works at the Starbuck’s she frequents)